Apr 28, 2009 20:32
my drama isn't even major right now. i think if we made a tabasco sauce out of it, it would err to the side of mild, really. but heaven knows there's nothing else to preoccupy me as a fourth-quarter senior either.
for someone who really thought they'd skip the boat on the prom drama thing, i sure accidentally stumbled aboard.
hodges is... confusing me. we aren't doing prom, i can't quite tell if i was asked on a date or not, and it's rather difficult when you have no classes/never see each other/he's never online. and peter got dumped by julie. i feel rather terrible for him. not that i too crazily liked her anyway. she was nice and all but it was clear it wasn't going to last... they had no spark. but he's rather broken up about it.
not that rotem wants to give them time to heal up about it.
she was like OHLOOKyoudon'thaveapromdateandpeterdoesn't,hm,lookiehere,youshouldgotogether1+1=2tadaeasyascakeseelookhowthisworks
she's going to columbia for law in the fall. shocker.
so i figure i'll get around to asking this week, tomorrow or thursday or whenever, i dunno. i'm kind of half over all this prom shit anyway, haha. so not worth all this effort. apparently rotem told peter to ask me too but he's afraid that i'll totally shoot him down. am i that much of an ice bitch? the world's so confusing. half of them are saying i'm a sugary-sweet pixie and the other half think i'm rock-hard icy bitch.
i'm just hoping none of this complicates stuff with hodges. things are finally looking kinda up after two-and-a-half years of long-distance pining, and i'd hate for him to think i ditched him cause he couldn't do one night out with me (sure, prom, but still. one night.), let alone with his BEST FRIEND, who i've clearly known for longer and have been closer with.
oh life.
it's so funny.
this is the shit i waste my time typing about after i get my government homework done.
i could type about like. art. and instead i waste time with this crap.
oh high school. how i want to be done with thee.
high school,
best friend