Title: Panic Switch
Pairing: L.Joe/Ricky
Genre: AU, Angst, Crime
W/C: 6,545
Summary: This life of gangs and violence wasn’t meant for Ricky, and Byunghun will do anything he can to protect him.
A/N: This was originally going to be much shorter (like half of what it is now) but livejournal was still going through errors when I tried to post it. Because
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Comments 14
Your comment made me smile. :D Thanks so much for commenting! ♥
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Thank you very much for the comment. ♥
& to quote one of your previous comments:
"I want to write about the other gangs and characters mentioned, too."
I just have spin-offs for U-Kiss and Infinite planned, but I'll figure something out for Dalmatian, too. I've been wanting to write a fic about them for ages, anyways. :D
Lovely username and icon you've got there, btw. ʘ‿ʘ
& thank you bb. Anything Inati related is lovely. ʘ‿ʘ
& anyways, give me a few days and that Dalmatian fic will be up. ツ
Sometimes I save fics to my phone to read them later when I can't come near the computer, or when I'm at school with nothing to do, for example. Not that long ago this was one of the stories I saved, and I needed only a few hours that night to read it. I just wanted to read the first few lines to see what it is like, but then just couldn't stop. ^^
Then a few days ago I realized I still had this on my phone, so instead of spending boring minutes at school, I started to re-read it. At the second time it was at least as amazing as it was at first read. *-*
AU, crime, dark stories... these are usually the type that I don't read, so I was surprised how much I loved your story. It was incredibly easy to enjoy, and really, if one starts to read this fic, it is impossible to stop.
Your writing style is beautifully realistic; I was worried, afraid, then relieved, and in the end happy and so in love. <3 ( ... )
Your comment definitely wasn't silly; it made me smile! 8D I'm really glad that you enjoyed this even though you don't normally read darker fics, and I'm especially glad to hear that this story gave you happiness. :)
& I have quite a few more Teen Top fics in the works, so this definitely won't be the last one. :3
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. ♥
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