Was it someone on my friendslist (
originalkitsune or
cindyscarlett?) who recently mentioned a scientist or mathematician who noted a significant change in peer treatment after transitioning from female to male? That is, that the same person was treated better by academic peers after no long appearing female?
Could've sworn I saw that link here...
Dudes, all you got to do is read the article, this is not about what you're trying to make it about.
In luxcanon's clumsy paralell, if applied here, the female would be doing worse and people around them would be "very careful" not to say anything as she is from a minority associated at being poor in science. They would not want to confront her due to the fact that folks would think they were falling into stereotypes. OTOH, Ben did not experience that as a female, not even as a female who was in fact apparently quite masculine at heart, rather Ben experienced prejudice and presumption that they simply weren't as good based solely on gender.
Furthermore, simply reading the article illustrates that the coworkers & classmates were unaware of the transition, therefore your argument that Ben received "special treatment" (fear of being labeled insensitive or prejudiced, as you described) due to being transgender instead of male is also invalid. I'm sure Ben would not appreciate that yet again his talents were being presumed inferior and merely applauded due to fear of insensitivity and prejudiced by the supposedly enlightened scientific community. But thanks for playing.
sheilagh, I was someone who brought this particular individual up for discussion, although I'm not certain it is where you or originalkitsune may have first seen it. However, it's why I feel up to debunking these low brow remarks.
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