Just random stuff...
I have a new client that I see 3 days a week. This is good.
No work this weekend.. this is also good, but I can't seem to move.
I have started reading journals again, but I haven't been commenting...
it's hard for me to focus.
My god, I can't even get myself to unpack a couple of boxes. :/
I must go to Walmart and buy kitten food. I went to Petsmart last weekend (w/ Angelina) and adopted a pretty black kitty. Her name is 'Onyx'... and I'm hoping Oliver likes her. I want him to have a companion. He gets bored & lonely when I'm not here.
Will pick her up tomorrow. She's just recently been spayed, so I had to wait a week for her to heal before bringing her home.
Tuesday night I watched the Olympics at Margaret's house.
I fell in love with the figure skating. I can't remember the skater's name, but I believe he's from Russia. He danced around that ice with such beauty and passion! It almost left me breathless.
I should do a google search.
I will go force myself to wash my face... so I can get out of this apartment.
also need to pick up a prescription,, and go to the video store.
I don't have cable.. so I've been adding to my dvd collection! lol
I need new icons! ... and my bio page is in need of an update of some sort. umm, later though... when I'm not working or sleeping, Or letting my ocd take over. Having ocd is hell. For me, it either has to be perfect, or not at all ~
I'll be adding a couple of things, plus a quote from a special friend. ♥
Today I should at least vacuum the carpet, and clean the litter box.
It's usually quiet in this complex.. I say 'usually' because of an incident that happened about a week after I moved in. Will save that little story for next time.
Anyway, I have my dvd's.. and I have my music. My music makes me happy.
Click on this, and rock with me! That also makes me happy....
EDIT: not sure if this video is working. :/
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