Back to basics

Sep 04, 2010 03:56

One thing I regret these days is how I did not pay enough attention to the basics during my undergraduate years in university. As much as I like to think that I have a good grasp of a number of concepts, I have to admit that there have been instances when I have studied for an exam and have forgotten about it in the end.
I want to remedy this by going over my old reading materials again.
I have read somewhere before that the best way to be really good at something is to take baby steps. There are no shortcuts. Those who claim that there are faster ways of becoming an expert with something, are either damn lucky, lying or plain twisted.
I think being good at something, particularly in the natural and social sciences, has to start with reading - lots. Even geniuses read. They just happen to comprehend things faster and better than most people.
Being no genius, I think I have unconsciously developed the bad habit of wanting to remember/note everything - which is insane and impossible. I am making a mental note to myself to take things by stride. I do not want to kill my enthusiasm by overwhelming myself with too much information.
I am yet to come up with a system that will make this work. For now I will monitor my progress with weekly updates.
The challenge will be to transform all these information into something interesting and relevant - and constantly doing so.
And now I shall hit the books again.
Posted via email from aliehs in wonderland
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