Drabbles so beautiful they'll leave you crying...

Mar 05, 2007 16:51

The Drabble-Matic is a great thing, yo xD

The Naked Stranger

The sun was high and the trees stirred lightly in the breeze. Link strode along the path, making for Sneaky Castle with all speed. Hidden from the eyes of man and beast, he carried the Sweet Stain, which no other must touch until it could be delivered into the safekeeping of the Wizard Ear.

A rustling of the dried leaves beside the path gave him warning and he drew his cloudy Cabbage Patch Kid just in time to face the dull man who flew at him with such grace that he was almost dazzled.

The man struck greatly, and Link barely raised his Cabbage Patch Kid to meet the attack. They fought long and slyly until all the air rang with the sound of their conflict.

At last, Link found himself forced to one knee, the man's Cabbage Patch Kid pressed to his sinful ass. "I am Sheik of Sneaky Castle," he said. "You are an unworthy guardian for the Sweet Stain. Prepare yourself, for I am about to send you on a secret mission to Mars."

But Link had been waiting for such a chance and, bringing up his Cabbage Patch Kid with a twist, overpowered Sheik and pinned him to the ground. "What say you now?" Link said, looking down upon him.

Sheik's cock shimmered like a baby screaming in the wee hours of the morning. "I have underestimated you, Link. I was sent to test your fitness for this task. To you I pledge my loyalty...and more."

Link's desire was enflamed. His ass throbbed and all his thoughts were to eat Sheik like a butterfly. Link caressed Sheik's towering cock and he responded. They came together dreamily, and their joining was as full-blown as their battle, and also much louder.

"Ah, my sweet diamond!" Link groaned and ate Sheik as soulfully as he could.

"Ouch!" he yelled. "What the hell is that?"

"Oh," Link said. "That's where I put the Sweet Stain for safekeeping. Sorry."

When they had finished their romp, they drowsed huskily on the grass, forgetful of all but their random love. "We will stay together forever," Sheik said, and they began all over again.

And so it was that the Wizard Ear never got the Sweet Stain and the forces of evil overwhelmed the land and nobody was happy ever again, at least until the sequel came out.

I'm Dreaming Of A Full-blown Christmas

It was Christmas Eve. Link sat greatly on a secret mission to Mars, sipping sinful eggnog.

He looked at the sweet Cabbage Patch Kid hanging on the Christmas Tree and sighed. Last year, Sheik had hung it there, just before they looked at each other huskily and then fell into each other's arms and ate each other's cock.

If only I hadn't been so naked, Link thought, pouring a dull amount of rum into his eggnog. Then Sheik might not have got so cloudy and left me all alone at Christmas time. He wiped away a random tear and held his ass in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and then a towering voice lifted dreamily up in song.

I'm dreaming of a full-blown Christmas

Just like a baby screaming in the wee hours of the morning

Link ran to the door. It was Sheik, looking sneaky all over with snow.

"I missed you slyly," Sheik said. "And I wanted to eat your cock again."

Link hugged Sheik and started to sob.

"I think you're drunk," Sheik said.

"I think so too," Link said and they ate each other's cock until they knocked the Christmas tree over.

On Christmas Day, they ate roasted butterfly ear and lived soulfully until Link got drunk again.

To Brightly Yell

Link and Sheik were celebrating a lonely Valentine's Day together. Link had cooked a hungry dinner and they ate on Death Mountain by candlelight.

"My darling," Sheik said, stroking Link's lip, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Link. "It is but a tragic token of my horny love."

Link opened the box. Inside was a quiet princess! He gazed at it sensually. Then he gazed at Sheik sensually. "It's confused," Link said. "Come here and let me yell at you."

Just then, a looming crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like a cross-dressing princess with gender identity issues pinning you to the wall as she screams about pronouns. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a sad voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Sheik read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says...it says that you're my brother."

They stared at each other dreamily as the crone cackled some more. Link's eye began to tremble. Then Sheik shrugged, pulled out a sword, and hit the crone on her hand. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Link said and kissed Sheik safely. "This is a sneaky Valentine's Day!"

They swiftly burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they yelled at each other all night long.

The Battle For The Princess

On Death Mountain, Link yelled at his princess. He had been busy with the princess for hours and now wanted nothing more than a confused cuddle or a sad massage from his lover Sheik.

He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his tragic Sheik appeared at the door, grinning sensually.

"Put down the princess," Sheik said brightly. "Unless you want me to yell at that princess on your hand."

Link put down the princess. He was sneaky. He had never seen Sheik so horny before and it made him looming.

Sheik picked up the princess, then withdrew a piece of heart from his lip. "Don't be so sneaky," Sheik said with a horny grimace. "A Octorok bit my eye this morning, and everything became lonely. Now with this princess and this piece of heart I can brightly rule the world!"

Link clutched his quiet eye swiftly. This was his lover, his tragic Sheik, now staring at him with a horny lip.

"Fight it!" Link shouted. "The Octorok just wants the princess for his own tragic devices! He doesn't love you, not the confused way I do!"

Link could see Sheik trembling swiftly. Link reached out his hand and touched Sheik's lip brightly. He was tragic, so tragic, but he knew only his quiet love for Sheik would break the Octorok's spell.

Sure enough, Sheik dropped the princess with a thunk. "Oh, Link," he squealed. "I'm so confused, can you ever forgive me?"

But Link had already moved on Death Mountain. Like a cross-dressing princess with gender identity issues pinning you to the wall as she screams about pronouns, he pressed his hand into Sheik's lip. And as they fell together in a lonely fit of love, the princess lay on the floor, looming and forgotten.

In these comments, your own drabbles XD

drabble!matic, crack, author: ryutsuki

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