"Denial" (Drabblefic.)

Oct 08, 2006 18:13

I know that y'all usually see Sheik as male, but I went with ambugity in this case. Please forgive me and try to enjoy this G-rated drabble set sometime after Ocarina of Time.


During the day, they know who they are. Hero and princess. It's simple enough.

But then night falls, and reality can be pushed aside. It was a lie all along, they can tell themselves, and the princess isn't really here, is she? They would know if she was.

One won't admit that the one he loved never really existed. The other refuses to ignore the self that saved (his? her? It's hard to say, now) life many times over.

When the sun sets, they can pretend that this is all there is. It's all too easy to deny the truth.


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