(no subject)

Mar 13, 2011 23:23

Title: Trapped
Series: Legend of Zelda OoT, post OoT
Pairings/Characters: Sheik/Link, Zelda Impa Navi
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4443
Warnings: Fluffy, angsty
Summary/Quotation: His memories had vanished, he woke in a foreign place, the songs of the dead ringing in his ears. Who was he, and why was he here?
Chapter: 3

Being woken up by your own body moving was an odd sensation - one that Sheik had yet to experience before Link’s body moved before he woke up.

Yes Link… not Hero but Link.

It was mildly amusing that this Hero’s name was the same word Sheik would use to describe him. Link was his link to the world outside of the crypt - Link was his link to anything physical - Link was his link to his memories, to his heart.

After remembering Link’s name, other memories surrounding Link came to pass. Sheik remembered seeing Link for the first time in the Temple of Time, he remembered following the Hero on his journey. And once he remembered Link’s adventures he also remembered the seven year wait. He remembered how he and Zelda joined as one - how his body became even more effeminate than it originally was. He kept the renegade princess from harm until her time had come for her to awaken and seal Ganon into the sacred realm along with the other awakened sages.

However, his death still remained a mystery.

The last thing he could remember was when he said the introduction to Link prior to Zelda and her triforce taking over.

So what happened to him?

However, the feel of wet trails sliding down his face distracted him from his question as he realized something:

This wasn’t his body - no - these tears, this sorrow had belonged to the one he loved, the one he cared for.

There was something wrong with Link. Something had caused these tears. But what? Link! Sheik mentally tried frantically. Link! What’s wrong? Link! However, there was no response; there was no indication that Link had actually heard him. No, the only thing Link did was continue to cry.

Whatever connection we had last night must have closed once we awoke… I can’t talk to him.

“Hey…” Said Navi, but it wasn’t annoying. She prodded at Link who was under the blanket. “Are you alright?” For once I was actually grateful for her presence.

Link remained silent and that made Sheik even more concerned. Why was this courageous Hero crying?

“…Link?” However, Link didn’t respond, even when his fairy spoke his name. “…It was-”

“Don’t!” Link flung the blanket off of him, tears still staining his face. “I know what you’re going to say, and don’t you dare! I’m not going to stop going there! Even if it does this to me… it’s my only way to remember.”


“Please Navi, don’t.”

Sheik could only try to guess what Link and Navi were discussing. Whatever it was - it had to be connected to the Shadow Temple.

“Ugh… Why are we still here? I want to go already!”

“Navi… I’m certain you know why.”

“Huh? Wha? She-”

“Yes, Navi.”

As Sheik thought back to the Shadow Temple, he remembered Navi and Link’s conversation. Sheik never thought of it then, but as he looked back, he just realized the reason for Link going to the Shadow Temple was because of him. It wasn’t because Link felt familiar to the place - no it was because the place resembled Sheik, that the Shadow Temple reminded Link of Sheik. Perhaps even, Link was hoping that by slim chance he would find Sheik’s soul wandering the halls.

What Link didn’t know though, was that he actually existed - that he wasn’t some figment of a princess’s imagination. That Link actually did find him.

“Are you really him? Are you really my Sheik? Please tell me that you aren’t her Sheik.”

Even those words made sense to Sheik now. Link’s actions, and his worry. Link thought that he didn’t exist, yet he clung to anything that resembled him, anything that proved he existed. Sheik knew that Link loved him…yet at the same time that love caused a hollow longing, a futile yearning of something that never existed. What they did last night would only be a dream to Link - and that only made things worse. To dream of somebody you couldn’t have and yet have them in every way possible…

And Link was experiencing this.

“Enough Navi. I don’t want to hear it.” Link’s voice was disgruntled as he began to pack up the camp.

Sheik wanted to do something, anything to set Link’s heart free, but he was stuck in the hero’s body, useless until Link actually fell unconscious. But even then, that wouldn’t achieve anything except making everything worse - not to mention that Link would reach Zelda before he would rest. There was no doubt in his mind that Zelda would notice his soul inhabiting Link’s body - She was both a holder of the triforce and the Seventh Sage of Time. So all he could do was watch as Link took each step towards Sheik’s metaphorical killer.


Contrary to Sheik’s beliefs, Zelda was indeed in Castletown but in its only untainted place - the Temple of Time. Sheik could also guess why Link didn’t warp there - the songs were what Sheik taught him, and that song would connect Zelda and Sheik together - it would disprove Sheik’s existence.

Was this karma at work? Was he being punished for dying, for hiding the truth from Link? It was painful to watch his beloved hurting - and even more so to not be able to do anything about it. Link… Sheik thought sorrowfully.

“Hey, is it okay to see Zelda when you’re like this? I mean she is-”

“Navi!” Link shouted and startled both Navi and Sheik. However, Link’s next words were a bare whisper, they were pleading. “Please… as soon as Zelda finds what she’s looking for this nightmare will be over. There will be no more war, no more fighting, and perhaps that is what I need to move on.”

What! No! Link! I’m right here! Link! Don’t!

“Of course,” Sheik could feel fresh tears on his face, “I’ll never be able to forget him, but I can start anew.” Link wiped the tears away with his sleeve. “Let’s go give Zelda her message.”

Link! Link! Link… I exist… He was wrong. Completely wrong. Seeing Link in pain did not compare to the agony he felt at that moment. To hear Link giving up on him while he heard every word, to have to watch and be unable to intervene was the worst feeling Sheik could ever feel. Sheik wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to rant, to rave, to do anything - even move a simple finger. But he couldn’t! He was trapped in Link’s body, as rigid as a stone, as silent as a mouse. There was nothing he could do but watch. Watch as he was separated from the person whom he loved more than anything in Hyrule. He was out of time - they were out of time.


The Hero of Time closed the door at any chance of regaining their relationship as he opened the door to Zelda.

Sheik never hated Zelda more than at that single moment.

“Link?” Her familiar voice echoed through the temple.

It was over.

“Could you come into the antechamber?”

Sheik gave up. There was nothing he could do now but watch as Link walked into his destiny and away from them.

The hero made no noise but simply obeyed.

“Oh! Thank goodness you’re here!” Zelda exclaimed, a smile on her face. “Did you-” Zelda turned around and Sheik felt her gaze on him. “Oh! You did!”

Link tiled his head at Zelda’s words. “What do you mean Zelda?”

Zelda giggled, “Oh never mind that, just come here.” She grabbed Link’s hand and Sheik felt Link immediately try to jerk out of the grasp. How Sheik wished that Link really had done that - but manners had to minded.

Zelda led them into something that resembled a walk-in closet with doors on either end and she turned on the light.

“Zelda? What are you doing?” Navi asked, flying out of Link’s cap.

“Oh dear… Navi, um, I need you to leave. I need to do something, and only Link and I can be in here.”

Navi looked at Zelda curiously. “Ookay.” It was obvious that she thought something was off, but she left the closet.

“Now Link, I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the thing I’m looking for is inside of you. However, to separate it from you isn’t a very simple process. I need to use magic. It can be quite blinding, so could you wear this?” Zelda handed Link a blindfold.

A blindfold? Would my soul be visible once she releases it - wait! Why was Zelda looking for my soul in the first place? Sheik knew that Zelda planned to turn time back once Ganondorf was sealed away, and she would maintain memories of those who needed to remember by keeping the souls of the people of Hyrule in tact as the land rewound. Of course, Ganondorf’s soul would be sealed in the Sacred Chamber, so it wouldn’t be affected. It didn’t mean Ganondorf would not exist in the past however - and that was why some people needed to remember - in order to stop Ganondorf’s coup, the Hero of Time and the sages would remember. Their souls were affected, touched by the Goddesses, so they would remember. However, that did not explain why his soul was needed. If he was dead then his soul would just find his living body in the past, and Zelda would not need to find it because all Sheikah souls find their way to the Shadow Temple afer passing. If he was dead…

Did that mean he was not dead! Link! He wasn’t dead! That was the only explanation. For some reason his soul and body became separated, and if his soul was not replaced then his soul would be lost within time. Link!

He saw Zelda looking at his curiously before Link blocked their vision with the blindfold.


A hand covered his clothed mouth and for some reason Sheik found the cloth on his face to be unfamiliar. That thought was soon cancelled out as his instincts kicked in and his eyes snapped open and his hand shot up-

An odd thought came to his mind: Since when could I move my limbs? He focused his vision on a face that looked familiar, yet too old and also similar to his own. This can’t be… Zelda?

A finger went up to her slender lips as she indicated for him to be quiet.

Why were Zelda and him in separate bodies?

She turned around and walked into a closet.

Now why did this closet seem important to him? Why did he think he still had a blindfold on his face? Why did he think he was unable to move, and why did he think his cowl to be abnormal? Many more questions began to run through his head as he heard the closet door open and close again before Link’s ocarina began to sound.

Link! Memories flooded into Sheik’s mind and he rushed over to the closet door, trying to open it. It wouldn’t budge! Zelda locked it! He fumbled for his needles, but couldn’t find them. Zelda removed them! No! He had to tell Link! His fists founded on the door and he opened his mouth. “L-”

The final notes of The Song of Time floated past his ears.


“-INK!” I blinked and looked around. What did I just say? I looked over to Impa to see if she caught what I said, but she wasn’t even paying attention. Now just what could distract Impa from-

Images flashed into my mind: Memories of a palace, of a King and his daughter. Of an evil advisor. Of sorrow, mayhem, slaughter. Next came memories of a seven-year wait, of merging with my mind and body with the princess I was guarding, of a brutalized Hyrule, and of a man-boy in green. This Hero braved temples and monsters alike and also played a blue ocarina - the very one Zelda never let go. He played with an older version of a person who was, but not quite, me. No, he had merged with Zelda to keep her hidden. This man was everything that I was to become, and yet I felt myself changing into him as each memory was remembered. His feelings became mine… including those of this hero. However I… he… we never acted on them. After the final memory of switching with Zelda, my memories became confusing: I remembered waking up in a crypt, of remembering my memories yet missing something. I remembered my solid form becoming transparent - wait… I died? No, that didn’t make sense. I couldn’t have! If I died, so did Zelda! I was so confused, but my memories didn’t stop. They continued to me seeing Link for what seemed the first time and then possessing the poor Hero. Oh Goddesses! We did that?! My face burned at the memories of nakedness filled my head, but no, my memories still continued. It filled me with sorrow, pain, hopelessness and even anger. My flushed hot cheeks were flushed with cold tears.

Link… I thought sadly and rubbed my wet eyes. I never got to tell you that I was sorry, I never got to tell you that I exist. My chest was hurting.

“Sheik? Are you alright?” Impa asked me, her voice gentler than usual. So the memories were affecting her as well.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Link…

“But something is clearly bothering you. You’re not focused on your job.”

Well Impa was back to her usual self. However, that didn’t make sense. Shouldn’t she know that the memories would affect me as well?

No, there is no guarantee that she would know. She was a sage so she has to remember, but I was just a commoner. Perhaps a bit more important commoner, but I was a commoner nonetheless. From Impa’s reaction, I finally realized something. I-I wasn’t supposed to remember…was I? I was supposed to forget… forget the future, forget Link. That was why Zelda kept us apart! I had to reign in my anger as I replied to Impa. “I’m sorry. Something just distracted me. I will not let it happen again.” Within the gardens, some bushes rustled. “Impa!”

“Shh, he’s expected.”

All of my anger dissipated into hope. Link?

“You see that boy in the green?” Impa said and pointed. “I want you to avoid him at all costs. Do not approach him, do not let him see you.”

From just the description, I could tell who she was talking about, but I followed her gaze nonetheless. If not to seem like I was supposed to be, then to see Link once again. However, my head snapped to the left to look at Impa in disbelief. No! She couldn’t do this to us! She couldn’t separate us! “B-but why!”

I shouldn’t have done that.

Impa eyed me suspiciously. “And why do you want to know this boy so badly?”

That image reappeared into my mind and I blushed, looking away. I couldn’t possibly tell her...


“U-um…” I stuttered and blushed deeper. “Y-you don’t normally tell me that…” I tried.

“There’s something you’re leaving out Sheik.”

I couldn’t look at Impa. I wasn’t supposed to remember.

Link ran by below my perch. Hey… where’s Navi?

“What did you say Sheik?”

“Oh, I said where’s N-” My eyes widened and I clamped my hands over my mouth. Shit! I muttered that?

“Sheik?” I forgot my shame in my self-scolding and looked up to Impa and her eyes were wide in surprise. “You remember?”

I couldn’t deny it now. I bit my lip and nodded.

“How much…?”

“Everything.” I said and looked at the ground.

“But how? You weren’t supposed to - only the chosen ones were.”

“Um,” I started, “Do you remember when you told me when I had to find out for myself?”

“Yes, but even if that was your soul, it couldn’t have touched your soul enough to leave a mark.”

Oh Goddesses, That image again. “Ah! Err - uhh - umm…”

“Sheik you’re not making any sense.”


Link’s voice luckily distracted us from the matter at hand - well okay Impa - looking at Link only made the embarrassing images worse.

“Link! You did it!”

I glared. I couldn’t help it. That was my line!

“So you remember too?” I couldn’t help but notice a slightly dark tone in Link’s voice. “Good. We need to stop Ganon now!” Link’s voice, regardless of that dark tone sent my heart flying.

“I agree.” Zelda nodded.

“Stay here Sheik.” Impa told me before she jumped down. “Zelda, we must make haste. Something has gone wrong with the intended results after you turned back time. How much do you remember Princess?”

“Umm…” Zelda put her finger to her lip. “Only after I awoke as the Sage of Time.”

That made sense to me, since her soul was sleeping within me until then.

“And you Link?” Impa asked as she turned to Link.

Link squirmed in spot for a bit and I couldn’t help but note how cute it was. “Um, everything from the moment I woke until the last note ocarina… along with some banging.

So he did hear me! I opened my mouth to say something, but I stopped myself in time. According to him, I was Zelda.

Zelda gasped. “Wh-what? You were - you were only to remember that you cleansed dungeons and saved Hyrule. Not the details! What did I do wrong Impa? What if Ganondorf remembers?”

“Zelda…” I saw Link’s anger build. I don’t think anybody else did.

Of course, I’ll never be able to forget him, but I can start anew.

Zelda’s words were simple: Link would have forgotten me. I could understand Link’s anger, because I was feeling it too. However, if I knew Link, I knew what he was going to do and I had to stop him.

“Were you implying that I only remember the completion of the dungeons and defeating Ganondorf?”

Zelda nodded, “Y-”

Perhaps if I wasn’t there, Zelda would not have left the garden unscathed, Link would have been hauled out of the castle and the future would replay itself. I thought Zelda deserved something from her faulty decisions, but I couldn’t blame her. She was only a few days, perhaps weeks, older than before she turned back to this time. She was even more of a child than Link. Besides, a punch was not the answer. My hand had grasped Link’s left wrist just in time.

The princess gasped and fell down, “L-Link?”

However, the hero remained quiet as his eyes wandered over to where he saw Impa last and when he saw her standing almost in that exact place, his eyes wandered over to my hand.

Only then did I remember that I was not supposed to exist to him. Almost as quickly as I placed it there, I withdrew my hand. He wasn’t supposed to-

His arm was quicker as it caught mine.

I turned my head. I’m sorry Impa.

“Sh-” I couldn’t tell but he probably did a double take. “Are-Are you really him?”

My heart ached at his broken - yet hopeful - voice. This wasn’t a dream. I bit my lip. How could I ever explain? I couldn’t look at him. I hurt him too much. “C-Can I see your face?”

I couldn’t help it, I chuckled and said, “I think you know my response on can I’s Hero.”

Link gasped and dropped my arm. “N-no way th-that was just a dream.”

“Link, Sheik, I think we all need to be truthful here.” Impa said as she stepped forward.

Link looked at Zelda. “Only if Zelda does too.”

I took a step towards Link. “Impa, Zelda, we have time. I don’t think Ganon has remembered. Let me start at the beginning.”

So I told them of Ganondorf’s attack and how he chased Zelda and Impa on horse back. Here Link interjected and told us of his observance of Ganon’s chase and how he destroyed Link’s fairy ocarina. He told us that he opened the door of time and Ganon achieved the triforce. I took over again and informed them of the aftermath - how Zelda and I had to join as one, how her soul slept while I remained active. I then skipped to Link’s awakening in the temple and here both Link and I told them of his adventures to awaken the sages, of our duets. However, it was I who had to talk about the third meeting in the Temple of Time:

“So came the time of Zelda’s awakening. I had approached Link in the Temple of Time and told him of his legend before I introduced Zelda as the Seventh Sage of Time and the Triforce of Wisdom. Here my knowledge of Hyrule finishes. The next thing I know is that I am in the Shadow Temple. Zelda, please carry on.”

The young princess nodded. “Yes I remember a bright light waking me from a long slumber. I don’t know where I got the words I had to say, but I gave Link the Arrows of Light before Ganondorf found me. He trapped me in a crystal and taunted Link. Wait - I think I remember something - yes Sheik I have figured out why your soul became lost. You were there too, at first dazed and disorientated; the triforce must have kicked you out of our body. I remembered you slamming your fists against the crystal until I disappeared.”

I felt Link tense beside me as Zelda mentioned our body. I had to blush at that. However, I changed gears to listen to Link as he told the story of his adventures in Ganon’s castle along with his battles against the dark kind himself. He then continued onto post-victory and their search for my soul.

“Yes, about that,” I said, “As I mentioned earlier I woke up in the Shadow Temple. However, I had no clue who I was at first…” I continued on about how I gained my memories, meeting Link within the Temple.

“Do you remember when you tripped on that log Link?”

Somehow, during our storytelling, Link and I became quite close.

“Yeah, and I fell unconscious. Why Sheik?”

How I wanted to rest my head on his shoulder and hold his hand. “Well the thing is… I tripped too, and somehow that trapped my soul in your body.”

“What!” Link exclaimed and stared at me incredulously.

“No wonder why I couldn’t find Sheik after Link left.” Impa added.

Zelda spoke up too. “It’s true, I saw it when you came to see me later.”

I swallowed. “As I was saying, I ended up becoming an observer to everything that you saw and did Link. However, I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t move. The only time I could was when you fell asleep.” I smiled at his expression. “Relax, I only moved a finger.”

“B-but.” Link’s expression changed and he looked away with a blush, stuttering. “Why do you remember that dream?”

“That was no dream Link…” I had to look away myself. “That was the world which connected our souls.”

“S-so we really - Oh Din!” Link uttered.

I couldn’t see his reaction because I couldn’t let him see my blush - I couldn’t see his blush. It would provoke the memories. “Y-Yeah” But I was sure that our embarrassments were the equal.

“Sheik? What are you two talking...” Impa started and looking at our faces before finishing, “You two didn’t…”

I bit my lip. “I-If you are referring to the o-one action that t-t-to-touches,” I forced the word out, “the soul…” My hands moved to cover my face. This was so embarrassing! “Then yes.”

Impa was silent for a few moments before she spoke up. “And you said it was in the world that connected your souls… It’s no wonder you two remember then. You two have not just touched each other’s souls - you have left an eternal marking.”

Zelda was looking quite confused. “Impa? What do you mean?”

My aunt coughed. “Well… let’s just say Sheik and Link has left an eternal mark on each other’s souls. They will never be able to forget one another, and since Link’s adventures had involved both of them, it makes sense that they remember everything.”

"That makes sense, but how did they touch each other's souls?" Zelda asked.

My face could not have been any redder from Zelda’s innocent question. Neither could Link’s from my peripheral vision.

“W-Wait sh-she doesn’t remember this?” Link stuttered to me.

“It’s not that… she just never learned i-it. When she woke, she was a child just like you were in the Temple of Time.”

“Ah, that lesson will be at another time Zelda.” Impa said, trying to get the conversation off of the topic that was obviously bothering Link and myself a far bit too much for comfort. She gestured me to continue.

So I finished my story about watching Link as Zelda cast me from his body and into mine.


I turned to Link, the blush still touching my face.

“You said that you saw everything I did and heard everything - so that includes what I said too, doesn’t it?”

I nodded.

“I’m sorry!” I was taken back as Link flung all of his weight on me. “I’m sorry, sorry I said I would move on! I’m sorry that I thought that you didn’t exist! I’m sorry you had to watch me in that state!”

I blinked, but had to smile - even with the tears forming in my eyes. I couldn’t tell if they were of happiness or sorrow. “And I feel that I must apologize for hiding the truth from you, for not giving you all of the information that I could have.”

“Link, um. I’m sorry too. Even with all of my wisdom I tried to take Sheik away from you. I thought that option to be the best.” Zelda said and looked down. “It was because Sheik would have forgotten everything - including you. But I see now that it wouldn’t have mattered. I’m happy that Sheik remembers but… Impa?” Zelda apologized before turning to her nursemaid. “If I recall correctly, then shouldn’t Link and Sheik have a bonding ceremony? ‘If two souls find a way to mark one another, then those souls are destined to be with no other.’ It goes something like that right?”

Impa nodded. “However Ganondorf comes first, laws later.”

Wait, what? I looked at Link in my arms. Did that mean I could only be with Link?


At first, when Link, Zelda, and I told the King about Ganondorf, he didn’t believe us. We told him that Ganondorf was planning an attack, that he would kill the King, and that he would cause a decade of evil. However, Impa had come out from the darkness and backed our story. The King agreed to raise the security of the castle and not a day later, did Ganondorf attack. However, he did not expect the precautions that were set into place and he was captured and taken away. We children were not allowed to come, and when the Royal Party returned, Impa had a solemn air about her, but she did not tell us what happened.

Link had remained at the castle and I didn’t think it was because of the royal orders that kept him. He spent a lot of his time with me, and I didn’t mind it at all. We couldn’t do much other than hold hands and sit close to one another, although his simple company was enough for me now. I admit… I wouldn’t mind kissing Link, but because of my job, I could not. I was a guardian of the Princess Zelda, and that was not exactly a private job. More than often were we outside, by guards, maids, and even town folk. Of course, this did not allow me to look up on this bonding ceremony that Zelda previously mentioned. The name itself still made me blush. It didn’t help that she also forbid me to look it up.

When Impa had returned, Zelda was in the castle gardens, and I was resting my head on Link’s shoulder and holding his head. I couldn’t describe the feeling that Link’s presence gave me other than everything about him made be content and inexplicitly happy. If all I had was Link, I would not need anything else. I knew that even in this childish body, the love I felt for Link reverberated throughout my very soul.

I think Link felt the same way, but there always seemed to be something missing about him. I never asked about it because my guess was that it was due to Navi’s absence. And that, would probably bring up more sorrow, and I didn’t think I could stand seeing that anytime soon.

As Impa walked into the garden, I noticed the lack of energy in her walk. Something must have bothered her greatly for it to show in her walk. I stood up and walked to her. “Impa? What is wrong?”

“Ah… some problems with Ganondorf’s execution, but nevermind that - we need to prepare for a ceremony here. I have already talked it over with Rauru.”

Zelda clapped her hands. “Wonderful! And Father?”

Impa offered a weak smile. “Took some time and convincing, but yes.”

I looked at Link with some worry. “What do they have planed for us?”

Link shrugged and walked towards me before grasping my hand. “I don’t know, but as long as it does not separate us, I’ll go along with it.” He smiled before glancing around and kissing my cheek.

…How I wanted it to be my lips.


It was only moments prior to the ceremony did I get to read the law. According to the law that Zelda was enforcing, I could not offer up my marriage to any other person that was not Link. In order to do this, the Sage of Light needed to be contacted (or the high priest of the Temple of Time) and they would offer a prayer to the Goddesses and place an enchanted ring on the ring fingers of each party’s writing hand. This ring could never be removed and if the finger, hand, or arm of the person was removed, the ring would create a new one (or transfer to the remaining finger). The ring bonds to the owner’s soul and if in the case of rebirth they could only marry another person only if their mate’s soul was not on that plane of existence. There was much more to this rule, but I only had time to get the gist of it. However, this law was quite rarely implemented, but since it was blessed by the Goddesses themselves, Hyrule had to follow it.

So the maids frantically dressed be for my binding to Link.

Goddesses that still sounded so wrong. I wasn’t even a teenager yet and I had these thoughts already in my head!

I doubted that Link was fairing any better, since that memory involved both of us.

I was taken to the Temple of Time. This place held so many key points to our relationship - it was the start, the end, and our separation. Now this was where we would have our lives bonded together. Link… I thought back to the darker times and remembered all of my love for him then. There was only one difference from then and now - my body was lacking the lust, but yet all I wanted was Link. He made me feel whole, wanted. I could not imagine being with another. Link was the only one for me.

As we walked up to the pedestal that once held the spiritual stones, Link’s right hand took my left. I squeezed his hand.

I listened as Rauru recited the words, as he placed a blessed ring on our fingers. However, what I didn’t expect was him to lie out very souls out of our bodies.

“Now, complete the bonding of souls.”

Link and I knew what to do, and our hands twined together as our eyes met.

For the first time in this time line - we kissed.

There was nothing sexual about it, but it was not a simple friendly kiss either. It was a promise, a display of our pure feelings for one another. If one of us forget, we would never give up. That kiss was what bonded it - it trapped us willingly in a cage that could only fit two.

Our souls slowly descended back into our bodies and Rauru announced, “I officially declare you bonded.”

I took Link’s physical left hand with my right and our rings clanked together. “I prefer being trapped with you this way.”

Link laughed, kissed my cheek, and whispered. “I wouldn’t want to find my way out of this one.”

link, fanfiction, oot, sheik, navi, loz, shink, author: petiteneko, fic, trapped, fanfic

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