(no subject)

Feb 01, 2011 04:34

Title: Watch
Series: Legend of Zelda OoT, Majora's mask
Pairings/Characters: Link/Sheik fluff   Impa, Malon, Ganondorf
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: Total: 3,204
Warnings: Humour, violence, character death, SLIGHT angst... would you call it this but... shota(?) (Child Link fluffy with Child Sheik)
The hero was said to save many lives, and it was said that I saved his life many times, the only thing that was forgotten was how he saved my life. Although, it was only he who knew, only he who remembered, and in order to tell the story properly, I need to start from where it began. It wasn't when the boy-man emerged from the Chamber of Sages, nor was it when he fought the parasite within the Deku Tree. It began with the second nightmare of Princess Zelda, and before Link acquired the Ocarina of time. It was when Ganon began his attack.
Chapter: 05
Impa had given us supplies for our trip. I didn’t sense for Cethin yet though, because I was afraid that he would sense something wrong, that he would know I was different. Besides, I hadn’t even heard from him in awhile.

However, now I had to, I had to mentally reach out my senses for Cethin just so we could kill him. It felt wrong to kill him, it wasn’t his fault that Ganon had morphed him into a monster, or that his life source was me. I would have another innocent life staining my hands.

“Sheik?” Link asked me, worry evident in his expressive eyes. “Are you alright?”

“Don’t worry about me Link.” I said, and forced my face to calm. I couldn’t have him worrying about me even more than he was already. It would arouse attention which would arouse certain questions that I cannot answer. I knew how to distract him from the matter at hand, however, so I mentally probed for Cethin’s location. There were clear waters before a flash of some tower surrounded by water and finally, a room encased in mist. I blinked. Cethin… he was in Lake Hylia, and I supposed by the latter images, somewhere specific where I didn’t know about. “He’s west of here.” I said, vaguely, “And far away.”

“So…” Link pondered. “Either Lake Hylia or the Gerudo Desert. Well I fought him in the Water Temple, so let’s go to the lake.”

The Water Temple? Was that where Cethin was? Why would he be there? Ganon surely didn’t send him there, seeing that he told me to do that shift-business with Cethin. Did the shadow stumble there accidentally? I thought, but nodded at Link. I couldn’t tell Link about Ganon, that I worked for him , or that I knew Cethin. It was obvious enough that I didn’t tell him about his shadow, and then I probably didn’t tell him about Ganon either. So, how much did Link know about me?

He grabbed my arm and pulled me along behind him. “Let’s go then!”

I swear, even working under Ganondorf, this was the most enthusiastic and determined I have ever seen anybody desire to kill another person. The most disturbing part of it was that Link was only ten or eleven years old…


Of course, two children on foot with heavy packs could not travel across Hyrule Field in less than a day and Link insisted that we stay at Lon Lon Ranch.

Personally, I was against it because I couldn’t be seen to acquaintance myself any member of the resistance for fear of it getting back to Ganondorf. Link was trying to save me from death, but I still had other means of that ultimate end.

“Why not Sheik?” Link whined at me after I voiced my opinions. It baffled me how he could act his own age, yet retain the ability to create such dark expressions that should only belong to adults. He was quite perplexing this Hero of Time.

“Let’s just say my life is always in a constant peril Link. For others to see me may endanger my life further.” It was… essentially the truth, even if it was only half of it.

It worked nonetheless, or so I thought as Link’s eyes darkened again. “Don’t stalchildren appear at night Sheik? I think they’re a bit more dangerous than petty rumours. Besides, Malon can keep a secret if you hide in the room.” His face lightened as he talked, turning into a full-blown grin at the end. “Comon, a little shelter never hurt anyone, in fact I heard that it does quite the opposite.”

I sighed. There was no convincing him was there?


I hid in the shadows as he talked to Malon, Talon and was that… it was.

Ingo. That man had recently come up to Ganon, promising him any horse if he was granted ownership of the ranch. From what I recall, the answer was, “After the castle was finished, it will be considered.”

It was clear that I needed to be cautious now. If Ingo found out, there would be no escaping the punishment of Ganondorf’s wrath.

Malon took Link to the guest room with a smile as she talked about the farm life. I amused myself at how carefree they were in comparison to my dark thoughts.

When they entered the room, Link changed the topic. “Oh Malon? Can you keep a secret?”

The farmer’s young daughter blinked but nodded.

“You can come out now.”

I jumped down from my shadowy corner. “Hello Malon.” I said politely. “I apologize for any inconvenience my presence may bring.”

“Oh!” She exclaimed. “I will bring an extra bedroll!”

“It is not necessary. Doing so would only create suspicions. Thank you for the offer though.” I responded formerly.

The young girl looked at Link. “So he’s your secret Fairy-boy?”

I couldn’t help but avert my eyes at the connotations of that sentence.

Link nodded this time. “Yes, if people know he’s here, it could cause some problems. Could you please keep him a secret?”

Malon beamed happily. “Of course Fairy-boy! I’ll make sure I’m the one to check up on you. We’re having supper soon. Would you care to join us?”

Link nodded but I shook my head. “I’m afraid that I must decline, seeing that I must remain hidden. However, may I discuss something with you Malon?” I said before I looked at Link.

His expressionate eyes were hurt, yet understanding as he walked out of the room.

“Malon, I just wish to give you a heads up. Do not greet me upon further visits, as this meeting did not exist, and I apologize for visits occurring after this - especially those occurring when I am not accompanying Link.”

Malon looked at the closed door. “Fairy-boy doesn’t know this, does he?”

“I’m…” I started, hesitating. “I’m not sure but it should be kept a secret regardless. Never speak of this meeting. I just wanted to give my apologies. You go have supper.”

Malon nodded with a smile. “When I check up on Fairy-boy tonight, I will bring leftovers.” She turned and left the room.


Link had arrived an hour later and wasn’t too pleased with me.

“Why did you take me to the table Link! You know I don’t like it when Malon pesters me with weird questions!”

Link sighed when he opened the door and closed it behind him. “Navi, if I didn’t, they’d think it was weird if I talked in my room.” Link looked around the room presumably for me.

The fairy huffed and muttered something about boys being boys and fluttered over to the window.

I jumped from my shadow and there was a glare directed at me, but it was diluted with emotions. “You know Link, glares are only effective when you are certain of your emotions.”

“What was all that ‘May I discuss something with you Malon’? What can you tell her that you can’t tell me?” I could hear the emotion in his tone, but he was keeping his voice quiet. Was it me, or did Link sound slightly jealous? I wonder why that was.

I swear, the fairy just giggled.

“It does not involve you Link. Besides, it would only raise questions that I cannot answer.”

Link clenched his fists and looked at the ground. “What is it with you and secrets? Look what happened the last time you kept something from me! You died Sheik, died!”

I crossed my arms. “I didn’t tell Malon anything of secrecy - besides, it would mean nothing to you.” I paused before I responded to Link’s main question. “If I do not keep secrets Link, more than just my life would be endangered. Everybody lives with their own secrets Link, I just happen to have more then others.”

Link fell quiet and probably had that same pained yet understanding expression that I’ve seen on his face before.

“I…” He paused, and I noticed his hands first clenched before they relaxed. “I want to know more about you Sheik.”

“Well, I guess one thing wouldn’t hurt.” I smiled at him, but knew he didn’t see it. I’m certain I can answer at least one of his questions.

Link’s eyes flashed with excitement and joy when he faced me. “Really? Really Sheik?” The excitement was even evident in his voice.

I nodded, “I can’t promise that I’ll answer everything, but, what would you like to know?”

Link smile grew as he paused in thought. It was… cute as he sorted out through the surely multitudinous questions. When he grinned, I knew he found that perfect question to ask me. “What are the answers to the many definitions of who are you?”

Indeed. That was quite the question. I laughed at it, unable to stop myself. He had managed to ask so many questions in only the form of one, and I had to answer every one of them. A Sheikah never lies. “I shall answer as best I can.” I wondered why I wished to show Link my mirth - my smiles - but rules were rules, and regardless of how I felt, I had to follow them to the line. “As you probably already know, I am Sheik, survivor of the Sheikah.”

It was Link’s turn to laugh, at what however, I did not know. “You said those exact words when we first met!” He giggled, but still mindful of the level of his voice.

I rolled my eyes. How was I supposed to know what my future self said? “I am also on a mission with a boy clad in green in order to save my own life. Impa is my aunt and foster mother - yes Link, I am an orphan. Well, no, I am unsure. I do not know of my paternal side, so all I can say is that I am motherless.”

Link’s expression changed as I talked, informing him of simple things. I realized that Link has just asked a never-ending question.

“And, I am caught in a trap of answers to the question who is Sheik.”

Link stuck out his tongue. “Now you are obliged to answers my questions - well if you are allowed to.”

“Well it depends.” I said, smirking. He had to ask it in a certain way, but I’m not telling him that.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and I jumped to my shadowed corner.

Link looked disgruntled as he opened the door. I had to smile at that. Why was he making me more emotional than usual?

I watched from my corner, but did not reveal myself. Even if it was Malon, there still could have been unneeded eyes. Only until the door closed did I jump down.

“Oh!” Malon exclaimed. “Hello Sheik. I brought you some food.” She was quiet, mindful of eavesdroppers.

“Thank you, but it wasn’t necessary.” I took the food that she pulled from her coat and nodded.

“So I take it you are alright Fairy-boy?” Malon spoke in a relatively normal voice.

I smiled again, Link was right about her. She knew when to speak up and when not to.

“Yes I am Malon. Thank you for asking.”

Malon giggled. “Alright, though you should get some rest. We wake as early as the crows, so if you want breakfast, you better be up. Goodnight.”

I had in the shadows again as she left, only emerging when the door closed.

“So what were you talking about?” Link addressed me.

I rolled my eyes. “Didn’t Malon bid us to sleep? We can’t have a battle on an empty stomach.” Once the words came out of my mouth did I realize what I had said. My eyes narrowed and I looked in another direction. So, I instead remained quiet and went through our bags for a blanket - Impa surely packed one.

“What are you doing Sheik?”

I looked back to his face to realize he was frowning. What at, I wasn’t to certain. “I’m getting a blanket, the nights get cold - even with shelter.”

“Sheik…” There was a warning in Link’s tone. “Do you mean to sleep on the floor?”

I paused and looked Link in the eyes. “Well you’re certainly not.”

There was a scowl forming on his face next. “I’m not going to sleep if you’re on the floor.” However, Link’s scowl faded as he averted his gaze. “I’m sure we’d both fit. B-” He stuttered. “Besides, wouldn’t it be suspicious if you left the blanket and pillows on the ground?”

I sighed. “I’d be more suspicious to have a strange boy in your bed. You could say you trash around in bed if they question blankets on the floor.”

Link covered his face and turned away. “But I could hide you behind me! You’re skinny enough.”

My eyes rolled at Link’s words. He was just trying any excuse. “Seeing as you won’t give up the fight, I’ll just give in.”

When I expected Link to beam at me for giving into his whims, he didn’t. In fact, he continued to keep his back turned, and what seemed to be, his hands still covering his face. “… You should eat the food Malon brought for you.” His words were muffled - my presumptions were correct.

I nodded to myself and turned by back to him. Did he cover his face to respect whatever reason (to him) I covered my face with my cowl? Regardless, even if he did (which I appreciated) it was still unnerving to have my face uncovered with a person in front of me. I finished in a few minutes and I pulled up my cowl. Turning towards Link and seeing him remove his weapons reminded me that I had to do so as well - lest I injure myself or, Goddess forbid, Link.

As I unwrapped my wrapping, Link said, “Oh! Sheik, I totally forgot.” I glanced at him, stopping my task. “Do you wear that mask-thingie to bed”

So he did turn away out of respect. I had to smile again. Were Link’s emotions contagious? “Depending on the situation Link, I may or may not. Upon the presence of others, yes, but alone or with family, no.” I resumed my unwrapping.

“Hey Sheik?” He asked me and I turned towards him again, but not stopping, “I was thinking… well don’t you have long hair?”

The question surprised me and I couldn’t fight the embarrassed (and embarrassing) blush. “Wh-what makes you think that?” Dammit! I stuttered! I dropped the knife in my hand.

Link rubbed the back of his head and I could see his blush. “Uhh… well… let’s just say your turban fell off in the future…”

My face was burning. By the way Link had put it… my turban must have fallen off accidentally. “Y-yes I do…” I couldn’t keep my gaze and I looked away again.

“Well… maybe you don’t have to keep hiding… What I mean is, maybe you could pass off as a girl?”

I swear, Link’s emotions must be contagious, because I couldn’t hold back my face as it expressed itself visually - my eyes widening before quickly narrowing in an emotion that wasn’t quite hate but not as miniscule as a dislike. “Did you just suggest that I cross-dress Link?” Even my voice was affected!

“Well-um-ah-yes?” B-but that way, even if you are sighted, people wouldn’t know who you are.”

I crossed my arms, my eyes still narrowed and I purposely showed that I was unamused at Link’s suggestion. “But my eyes are a signifier of who I am, and have you forgotten that I am supposed to keep as much of my face and body hidden as possible?”

Link’s smile finally made an honest appearance as he grabbed a pouch of his and dug around in it. It had to be magical - it was only the size of a fist and yet his arm was elbow-deep in it. He pulled out a mask and I recognized it immediately - the Mask of Truth. He grinned and chuckled. “It’s the only mask that covers your eyes and allows vision. Not to mention it’s the only useful one.”

Link went on to describe that it allowed him to hear the words of the gossip stones, and even talk to animals. But, I knew that it would allow Link abilities close to that. The Mask of Truth awoke inert abilities - or to be exact, it unmasked the truth of ability. Because Link was a Hylian, of course it allowed him to hear words that were otherwise hidden. Hylians were the race that heard the words of the Goddesses, as we Sheikah were the ones who saw the truth. The ears and the eyes. A question formed from my conclusion, but the matter at hand had to first be contemplated, so I ignored it.

Link’s option was clearly a good suggestion. It made traveling easier, and also made the risk lesser. If anybody caught me with Link (seeing that Zelda was my substitute at the Temple of Time, which made matters even worse if I was caught) everything that Zelda and myself had planned would be ruined. Link’s attempt to save my life, which was apparently needed in the future, would be rendered useless. If I had to cross-dress to save the kingdom…. I sighed and took the mask. “Alright Link, but where would we get the clothes?”

His grin widened. “I’m sure Malon has some non-descript dresses she can lend you. Hey, don’t look like that!”

I guess it was better than wearing Link’s tunic….


On the walk to the Lake, I was silently cursing the wind. I was not used to wind against my bare legs, and the wind kept trying to blow up the damn cloth.

Link sniggered as I held my - Malon’s - dress down against the offensive wind. “Look on the bright side, at least you don’t need to wear heels.”

My eyes narrowed behind the mask, but Link couldn’t see it. When he pointed to a ladder I glared at him, and by his reaction, he felt it.

“Woah! Easy there! You can go last. Sheesh.” His grin reappeared.

I muttered a Sheikah curse. “You know, you aren’t the best equipped to climb up a ladder either tunic-boy.”

“Hey…” Link pouted. Pouted! “I’m just trying to be nice here!” He then moved to climb up the ladder. “I’ll call when I’m up there.”

As I waited I wondered at Link’s attitude, but soon he called and I forgot about my ponderings as I fought with the damned skirt. Then, when we climbed down the next ladder I went first and waited from him. We made it to the lake with little to no difficulties.

“He’s close.” I said, even if I didn’t want to. It meant that Cethin had to die. Perhaps I could talk some sense into him… I didn’t want to be responsible for his death - my hands were red enough with that innocent Hylian’s blood.


Link’s voice jolted me from my dark musings. “My apologies Link.”

They boy’s smile was kind and understanding. “It’s alright, I understand. Ganon’s rule must give you plenty to think about. However, what direction is he in?” As Link talked, that smile turned into a dark expression.

I swallowed at the hatred that such a pure soul like Link harboured for Cethin. What had I done to create such a reaction in Link at my death? I pointed in the direction of an island in the middle of Lake Hylia. “He’s in that direction.”

“He’s in the temple?” Link asked.

I didn’t know how to answer that, but luckily I didn’t have to.

“Link, Sheik wouldn’t know. How about we go over there and see.” Link’s fairy said and zipped over in that direction.

Link quickly followed her while I lagged behind.

I didn’t want to kill Cethin. I didn’t want to be responsible for his death. He was just a child! Why did he have to die! My hatred for Ganondorf grew. How dare he force me to play God?


I really needed to stop zoning out around Link, well… zoning out period. I looked up at him in question as I stepped onto the island.

“Where is he?”

I felt drawn by Cethin’s presence and I stood on the west side of the island. “He’s below me.” An image of the room he was in flashed before me. A single dead tree within an endless pool. Barred doors blocked the exits and I heard him weakly call.


His voice was full of fear, it was frightened beyond belief. He was just a child! A child! And Link wanted to kill him? How could my life be of more value than Cethin’s? Life couldn’t be measured! Cethin was trapped, he was scared, he was lost, and we were going to end his life?

I didn’t respond. Neither to my own thoughts, Cethin, or even to Link about the absurdity that we were going to go through with. No, I pushed it to the back of my mind. If the Hero of Time believed that it was best….

So I turned my attention back to Link who, quite frankly, looked worse for wear.

“We have to go back in there?”

Apparently, Link didn’t like the idea of entering the Water Temple again.

“Link, you should probably make some preparations first. I mean, you’ll need to breathe underwater, and then there’s the fact that you’ll need the hook shot for the many gaps…” Navi started to say before Link cut her off.

“The hookshot! Dammit!” The green-clad hero jumped into the water, diving down for a bit before coming back to the surface. “I was right! Equipped as we currently are, we can’t even enter the temple!” Then, Link, out of nowhere burst out laughing. “Oops… sorry I stole your line Sheik.”

What was Link talking about? I voiced my opinions. “What do you mean Link?”

“Huh? Oh right, haha sorry. I keep forgetting that you don’t remember.” Link rubbed the back of his head in an abashed manner. “But… the last time I came here, I had to wear iron boots and shoot a crystal with my hook shot, and I can’t wear either of those. My body is too small! So, we can’t even get into the temple!”

"That does pose a pro-” I started, only to be cut off by Navi.

“Hey! Listen, I think I remember hearing about this craftsman. He is rumoured to be able to make anything, and maybe he could make you a hook shot! But… he’s not in Hyrule. On the other side of the Lost Woods I think… Some place called Termania.”

“Termania? I remembered hearing about it - it’s a country neighbouring Hyrule.” I began, “There is a trade route along the mountains between here and the Lost Woods. I believe it leads to a farmer’s field. However, I’m certain that Ganondorf has closed off all trade routes, or at least has them regulated, seeing that Zelda is the only survivor of the Royal family.”

Link sighed in frustration while he kept himself afloat in the water. “Navi, do you know how to get there?”

“No I don’t, it was just a rumour. It could just be a warp hole like the ones to the Zora’s Domain, and the Goron’s city.”

“Well, it’s worth a try.” Link replied.

I sighed and picked up my - Malon’s - skirt. “Why don’t we also ask Malon if she can lend us some horses. We can’t be walking everywhere, it’ll take forever.”

“Great idea Sheik! Let’s meet at the gates.”


The fairy looked at me.

“Why do girls wear dresses?”

She giggled and flew off in Link’s direction.

Ah, screw it! I thought and threw a deku nut to the ground.

Title: Love
Series: Legend of Zelda OoT,
Pairings/Characters: Shink (unsure whose what) Sheik, Link, Zelda, Impa
Rating: Teen
Word Count: Total: 320
Warnings: Angst, dark
Summary/Quotation: Love is not simply an emotion - it is what rules all creatures for either good or bad reasons
Chapter: 01

Love, contrary to what many may think, is an emotion of sorrow.

Ganondorf loved power so much, he cast Hyrule into chaos. Women loved their children so much that their attempts to save the child cost both of them their lives. Zelda loved her land so much that she could not leave it and cost a hero his childhood. A king loved his own word too much that he dismissed his own daughter’s premonitions and caused all of this. The Goddesses loved their land too much not to leave a present behind - the Triforce.

Of course, these acts can be considered selfish and selfless acts; but what is the definition of those words? Loving yourself or loving others above all else. The world revolves around love - whether it be love of oneself, or another thing or person.

So this Hero of Time - he was but a foolish boy in love.

He loved his Kokori home too much to leave it in turmoil, but he loved the Deku Tree even more, and was stupid enough follow his word out to its fullest. Because he loved the new land of Hyrule too much, because he loved his dear Kokori too much, he gathered the stones that the other creatures of Hyrule - and Ganondorf mind you - loved too much. He had to do deeds in order to earn these stones. However, these stones were objects of great importance. With those stones, a blue ocarina and a simple melody one could open a door to a sword whom everybody loved - and yet many hated. It was the sword of Evil’s Bane. Yet… this sword when encased in stone was also the key to three pretty triangles of myth. And because of blind faith, that stupid lovesick boy pulled out that sword and in turn, released an evil upon the very land he wanted to protect.

That’s where I come in - a shadow lover.

I do not deny that I love things, but it does not mean I cannot condemn loving things.

I try to rein my love to only that of the shadow, but that silly princess decided to bother me. I was needed, she said, she needed to protect her people and her land.

How I wanted to say no to her lovesick request - but yet another Shadow lover was with her. I could not say no. So then became Sheik - the second guardian who became Zelda.

link, author: petiteneko, fanfiction, oot, sheik, loz, shink

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