New kid on the block~

Jun 02, 2009 16:43

Aww geeze, I was hoping to bring art but my camera ate it. I should really find some stuff to put up,  Got to stop drawing on DS and move back to paper maybe some fan fiction that is based off roleplays and stuff.
I'm glad that I won't have to argue with you guys that Sheik is a male although I do respect the opinions of femSheik supporters and have to prove my theories to death.

I will put stuff up on my DA and FF.Net accounts soon, I'm eating through my Final Fantasy fangirling slowly. Aside from that and school I will draw and that...

Okay, proper intro.
My name is Mallo, I first started with my Legend of Zelda craze when I was five (Fifteen borderline sixteen now). I always loved Sheik and I cried when I found out that he was infact Zelda (being under ten remember). The sole reason I bought a Wii and DS for LoZ waiting for Spirit Tracks to get released then I'll be all over that like a fat kid to a smartie and I play all of my Zelda games to death. I do draw and write but school is killing my muse.

Thank you guys, Love all of your work~


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