I was a little stressed on Wednesday, due to some stuff that has seen fit to occur, as stuff sometimes does in fact do. I thought a walk might do me some good, so I decided to stop by Hawthorn Park and head out along the Greenway, which is where I used to walk back before I
hurt my foot. On the last walk I took, my irritable tendon started to hurt a little near the end, but not badly, so I decided to try pushing it a little more this time. I knew I might be putting myself in for some limping the next day, but I needed to work off the worry. And it's been such a long, long time since I've been able to go out and walk until I'm really tired.
I wasn't expecting to be able to wear myself out or anything this time, but I made a rather fantastic discovery: I have done a LOT more healing than I thought. I did start experiencing a little pain again around the two-mile mark, but once it started it stayed steady at that initial level throughout the rest of the walk. I ended up going six miles- something I haven't been able to do since before the injury two years ago- and wasn't sore enough to to have to limp even at the end of the walk. No limping the next day either, though there was still a little pain which has continued through today. But it's very mild and tolerable. And that constitutes fantastic progress. Much hurrahing is called for!
Bu-u-u-u-t... did I mention how I haven't been able to take a really long walk since, like, 2007? I didn't experience as much muscle soreness as I was expecting to yesterday, but today- oh, today! My quadriceps are pissed. And I'm not even going to tell you what some of my other muscles said when I tried to do leg lifts last night. Suffice it to say that I learned several new expletives, some of which probably can't even be reproduced by human vocal organs.