Asterisks are still trustily serving their function: calling attention to books I've already read. (This is not relevant information unless you will be looking under the cut.)
Heh. It actually wasn't *that* bad. (Which is not to say that it was good either, mind.)
The general impression I get from people who've read the entire series is that it progresses something like this: "Huh. This isn't so bad... why are people- um. Oh dear. This is getting a bit... Oh, for the love of... GOOD GRIEF WHY DID I EVER START THIS TRAIN WRECK OF A SERIES???"
There were actually some rather funny bits of text in this one. It's just that it alternated between that and parts that read horrifyingly like bad fanfiction, leaving one rather bewildered about how the same person that wrote this bit could possibly be dunce enough to have written that bit.
Anyway, you probably won't quite want to throw yourself from a window if you pick up a used copy. :)
The general impression I get from people who've read the entire series is that it progresses something like this: "Huh. This isn't so bad... why are people- um. Oh dear. This is getting a bit... Oh, for the love of... GOOD GRIEF WHY DID I EVER START THIS TRAIN WRECK OF A SERIES???"
There were actually some rather funny bits of text in this one. It's just that it alternated between that and parts that read horrifyingly like bad fanfiction, leaving one rather bewildered about how the same person that wrote this bit could possibly be dunce enough to have written that bit.
Anyway, you probably won't quite want to throw yourself from a window if you pick up a used copy. :)
p.s. Further reasons not to go the library route:
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