The triumphant return of Hop!

Aug 17, 2006 02:16

Well. Technically the triumphant return of Hop occurred about twenty-four hours ago, but I didn't post then because it was late and I'd had a long drive and I was sleepy.

I didn't post earlier today because I was catching up on my reading in a wild scramble to see what I'd missed in the all-important cyberworld while I was foolishly frittering away my time in the ancyberous* one.

To be fair, it's not actually terribly hard to keep track of the actual people on my list, because there aren't very many of them, because I am a beady-eyed misanthrope.

No, it's the RSS feeds that suck up my reading time like... er, great time-sucking things. The feeds, I tell you. Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiie! The FEEDS!!

However: I am more or less caught up now, and I have many amusing anecdotes from YAHREC Weekend which I may or may not be too lazy to, y'know, relate.

* Yes, that is a word of my own horrific coinage. Yes, I realize that I have doubtless angered the Elder Gods.
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