May 06, 2006 19:45
A few days ago, I had a barbecue with a friend - The Mysterious M, if you're wondering, which you probably aren't. We went out to get steaks and corn to grill... and... (brace yourself, this is hard to hear) there was NO CORN. Well, there was frozen corn, and canned corn, but those don't count *at all.*
There was no corn on the cob. None! So we did not have grilled corn with dinner, and that was sad. A day or so later, I was at a completely different store, and there was no corn there either.
So I thought maybe corn was out of season, even though that didn't seem to make any sense, and tonight on the way to the store I was thinking about the corn drought, and because I am a dork I was maybe writing a post about it in my head a little bit. And then I went in the store and saw.... a big pile of corn! Glorious silky ears of it stacked to the sky! So I was happy but confused.
I don't know where all the corn went, for a while, but I am very glad it's back. I like corn. I do!
On an unrelated note, I wanted to take an hour's walk tonight. The (new and untested!) route I decided to try took me an hour *to the minute.* Sometimes, I am so good I scare myself.