When you are cooking something that takes a specific amount of time, such as hard-boiled eggs for example, you might want to glance at the clock before you get started. It's just a thought
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I do so hope that by "it's" you meant the bit about the books and not the eggs, because otherwise I'm afraid I would have to disagree with you, and that would be very sad and require a Several Minutes Angst and probably force me to go buy a Dr. Seuss book to cheer myself up.
Also, I was, for a period of time, on MSN last night, but I'm not clear as to whether you posted this before I came on, while I was there, or after I crawled sleepily off to another room. [End comma overuse and sentence butchery] <---- (Not really)
Also, I would so have hoped that I would have actually read and fully comprehended your second sentance before posting something nonsensical about it, but alas! It was not to be.
Which does relate the two very nicely, and also proves that you have a better-ordered mind than mine, since I would have been taking some complicated route involving Amy Tan having written 'The Kitchen God's Wife.' I suspect I should just let you do my thinking from now on. Probably it would improve matters enormously. ;)~
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Also, I was, for a period of time, on MSN last night, but I'm not clear as to whether you posted this before I came on, while I was there, or after I crawled sleepily off to another room. [End comma overuse and sentence butchery] <---- (Not really)
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