May 31, 2004 15:24
Yeah, so I was talking to my mom and walking around outside when I looked down, and saw this snake. I almost stepped on it. Then when I got over the shock of seeing said snake I watched it and was like, woah! snake! Just like that.
Memorial Day parade today. That was a good time, did some marching, no passing out this year so that was an improvement. Got to say hi to Mrs. Shepard. Good times. The cub scouts behind me were having a good time torturing a worm throughout the ceremony, but then the den leader was like "hey you kids! cut that out!" and moved them away. Mmm. Bitch's house is so centrally located, it's great. But she is away in Florida or something and that makes me sad. I didn't get to see her. *sniff*
OO!! My grandmother printed out all my pictures! Woo! Now all I need to do is cut them out. -.- that is not going to be a good time I can tell, but hey! I have hard copies now! Woohoo!
I got to go and see Shrek 2 last night, and it was good, so that made me happy. Funny movie. Dragon, heh, I love that dragon. This week is going to go by so fast. Tomorrow I have my lesson, Wednesday I really don't have anything. But then Thursday is Class Night and Friday is Graduation. Wow, I will miss so many of the seniors. Definitely won't be the same.
I have duct tape on my feet. . It's clear and it makes me happy. *gets an idea* I can draw on it with sharpie! Woo! Heh, duct tape is awesome. Especailly clear duct tape. It makes me feet not bleed which is fun.
Hah, this is turning into a rather long entry and yet I haven't said what I cam here to say. That's funny. *crunch* I love ice. .. I always forget it exists though. *crunch* I believe that is all. I think. I really don't know. Hugs to all who want them.