glitter on the wet streets | nofunever

Mar 15, 2011 00:55

Chicago is cold this time of year, even for her kind. She's standing outside a dive bar and grill that she looks far too young to enter, even if she's dressing more her age these days. She has since that night in 1864, and if she admits it to herself, it's been a relief to finally act her age. But although the freedom is refreshing, she still works diligently on her plan, goes over it again and again to hammer out the details and allow for every possible thing that could go wrong (and there's bound to be one or two things that do, no matter how careful she is). No amount of independence is worth her mother's life.

Anna knows she's not really dead, that she's just trapped inside the tomb underneath Fell's Church. The distinction doesn't do too much to comfort her, especially on nights like this, when she's alone in a city that still feels strange to her although she's been there many times before. Noah has gone off searching for a tip that she knows is a lost cause on an evening she doesn't really want to be alone, and rather than spending the evening in her hotel room, she's decided to take her walk. Her steps have found her here, and she's debating whether to go inside and compel the bartender to allow her a drink or two until it's dark enough to hunt, or to find a way to do that now.

She'll need to feed soon either way.

pre-2009, stefan, chicago

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