Mar 17, 2003 10:12
i need gas...i will sell my gov't book today for gas money, i should sell my history book as well. i'm not dropping history, we just don't use the book.
i bought my good life cd in el pasos, and now it reminds me of el pasos. ah i miss you el pasos.
egon is playing at the silverleaf in denton on the 22nd. i need to find out where that place is so i can go.
if something terrible like a flat happends while looking for an apt. in denton i'll take it has a sign that hales and i aren't suppose to live there, but if really good songs come on the radio, and we find someplace great (cute and affordable) i'm gonna drag her ass down here myself. i hope people aren't saying "haley don't move, i'll miss you" don't fall for that shit haley. do what you want to do.