Things on my mind at the moment....

Feb 10, 2003 12:32

my mom gave me three options this weekend
1. Live in her house and become part of their little family and get in their routine
2. Go back to El Pasos
3. Stay here and live with a friend
hahah so #1 is not gonna happen---ever. it's just not possible to adjust and get comfortable there. #2 is not gonna happen. i dislike el paso. i miss my dad and haley like crazy but seriously there is nothing else there. ta-da looks like kris just found himself a roommate this week. however, i don't know how to tell my mom without hurting her feelings, shes gonna think that i'm holding a grudge on her. blah
also on my mind: last night after work, i accidentaly scratched a car parking. you're probably thinking i'm a really shity parker, but it was either scratching the car or hitting the lil poles, i can't explain it, if you've been to kris' apartments you'd know what i'm takling about. anyway, i so could've gotten away with it, but slap a tall hat on my head and call me honest abe. i had to knock on the old man's door and tell him, it was killing me. hopefully he's nice cuz i'd appreciate my insurance not going up. my car was slightly damaged but it was in the same place that andy hit my car months ago so it'd looked worse that it was. so what did i go do...made things bad enough by buying some paint to hide it. aiy yaiy. now i look realy guilty but when i told the old man last night he didnt' really care, he came outside with a cigarette and said we'd just talk about it the next day.
also on my mind: i faild a gov't test. the only friend i had in that class dropped, he was supposed to be in my group, now i don't know anyone and the fucker professor had to mispronounce my name not once but THREE TIMES calling me ELSIE. how embaressing. ughh
on my mind: kristian and i saw kissing chaos the first time they played here and we've seen them every other time after that with the exception of one time. they are coming back in march but what do you know, it's the same day as the fuckin fla fla show that i insist on going to. and if my mom and i are going to be on bad terms i dont know if she'll even give me haley's ticket. i should have just bought in janurary when i had the money. but the lady talked me out of it because she said she'd get on for me.
i can't explain how stressed i am. skdfj;af;kjfdkjwe;kjfsdjkfksdjf
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