Aug 02, 2004 22:03
Yesterday was too long, as well as today. :\
Ninja and Jere can get into huge fights over nothing && it really affects everyone else around them. Good thing they solved it, cuz it was getting ugly && plus my Ninja wasn't speaking to me cuz he thought Jere wanted us to stop talking since they were in a fight. :} Good thing he missunderstood Jere cuz I would've flipped a bitch on my own blood if he told John that. Haha.
But it has passed thank the lorrddddd! && I have my Ninja to talk to :D &&&&&&&&&& THE BEST COUSIN EVER. rawr.
I wanna hang out with Pooface tomorrow && maybe see Fludooshious even, we were talking about it so eh we shall see. Maybe Kristina too. I don't care I just wanna hang out with someone haha. My life is dissapearing quicker and quicker it seems like IT IS GETTING KIND OF PATHETIC.