Picking up the pieces of a life you’ve broken, stitching it together with the seams wide open...

Apr 04, 2004 12:06

I include this quiz thing for no partcular reason just simply because it is interesting. Copy and paste the questions and put it in your journal. It gives you a little insight about yourself. I gives you a little insight inside your own head...

<3 Jacki

What comes to mind when you hear...

snow: a silent, cold coating of the earth
rain: dancing
tornado: loss of property and life
summer love: short but leaves a jagged wound
ferris wheel: first kisses
Santa Claus: the spirit of Christmas
a desserted road: the future not yet painted
walnuts: brownies
pop up books: torn
candy canes: stale hanging on the Christmas tree
prom dresses: big entrances
love songs: memories
big cheesy grins: fake
fire: ashes
water: Aquarius
dark colors: depression
bright colors: neon
teen movies: lies
chicken noodle soup: Lunchy and French class
bridges: Indiana Jones
orange peels: Christmas Time
cardboard: recycled paper
robin's eggs: blue
high heels: beautiful pain
fast cars: drag races
lawyers: paid to lie
caramel apples: fairs
Christmas trees: touching the ceiling
plastic surgery: low self esteem
key's that don't unlock anything: my heart
widow's walk: Maine
going out for breakfast: my Dad
hiding in the corner: hopelessness
spring: flowers
summer: deceit
autumn: truth
winter: bitter
7 AM: too early
11 PM: love line
spare change: jingles
blow up pools: summer as a child
musical theatre: Les Miserables
house by a busy high way: sad houses
rented movies: sleepovers
fluffy pillows: hotels
the end: a movie
the muppet show: English Class
shiny black shoes: tap dancing
umbrellas: Dolly
stamps: pen pals
christmas plays: solos
blue: eyes
green: envy
brown: mud
macaronni and cheese: chicken pox
sparkles: tacky makeup or pixie dust
parrot: repetion
pirate: my future husband
bathrooms: long conversations
mc donalds toys: stealing them from sister as a kid
light bulb: idea
stone: puppy
clocks: late
ovens: Hanzel and Gretel
ketchup: fake blood
spiral staircase: ghosts
broken heart: emo songs
fake tan: orange
pig: Sara
basketball: Michael Jordan
french: le divorce
fridays: movies
mondays: algebra
orange carpet: the 70's
orange juice: and water
life: what you make it
love: true
death: sitting at the top of the stairs alone at a funeral
hope: tomorrow
journal: thoughts
poetry: release
music: life
cordless phones: no battery
dull pencil: sharp idea
hitch hiker: murder
twins: Lark and Arling
waking up: irritation
falling asleep: stars
a chapter: a beginning
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