Jun 21, 2007 09:33
I guess I should post this here as well as myspace. Well, as some of you know, this is a hard time of year for me. Last year around this time, Dan and I split up for a few weeks. I wont go into detail, again, but it was a very traumatic experience. Me being me and having a bad habbit of thinking randomly "Last year at this time I was...", combined with health issues with my mother and job problems, I got very depressed. So this is what my wonderful mate did for me.
On June 9th he decided we should get handfasted. We cant get legaly married or I am certain he would have had me at the courthouse instead of online saying vows on Puzzle Pirates. We sat on the couch, and as we typed we said our own vows to each other, before the Gods, as real as a legal marriage to us. Maybe more so. In this way I have something good to remember next year. Dan loves replacing bad memories with good ones! Also, we set a date. June 10th, one year and one day after our handfasting, we make it legal! (if this divorce works this time =P ) I dont see any issues, already have the info I need and it is only 20 dollars here to get the divorce, so anyone wanting to be here, plan on it! I'll give everyone plenty of official notice though.
Matron of honor has been selected (sister) as well as bridesmaids (daughters if they will do it). And you all will love the theme! Very me and Dan! lol
Anyway....I tried to post this the day it happened, and myspace ate it, then I forgot to repost being busy being a mom, a Blockbuster Shift Lead, a wife, and an Avon lady...yes, you read that right.
Blessed be!