Jan 24, 2006 03:16
im guessing it is early jan 24. yellowcard cd comes out today! this is my first post of 2006. my first semester of college is over an i have to say my mentalities on life have changed a little. real relationships dont exist anymore- the last 5 guys or so ive kissed i havent even talked to after thefact. having a boyfriend in college is impossible since no boy wants a relationship--every guy is reduced to a hookup, or a repeat hookup at that. classes are stupid, you teach urself 95 percent of the material and get nothing out of lectures that u cant get out of einstein notes or the book. going home is my savior, i love to hang out with my parents now. the beach is a paradise even if i go alone. i love college a lot; my friends are super sweet, going out every night and randomly hooking up with boys is fun, but what is the real meaning of it all. getting wasted every night is all thagets me thru. my roommate sucks, i barely even hang out with many girls from my floor. i want a job (what is up with that?!) and some meaning. college is one weird time and the only way to live through it is to embrace it for what it is: one giant party