Writing Meme

Jul 18, 2009 10:05

Okay, so this was originally a drawing meme. I had it completed once and my computer disagreed with me right before I posted it. So here I go again.

I took this from miss_liddell on deviantArt.

Oh, some things don't cross over. Obviously.

• Your name?

• If possible, your age?
20. (Sadly, I won't be 21 until December.)

• When did you start drawing writing?
I really started writing around the 5th grade. We had to write a short story for class and I had way too much fin with it. In 7th grade, we had a program called Shakespeare After School, which I loved. That's where I fell in love with Shakespeare, for which I am eternally grateful. Somewhere in between, I started writing poetry. I wrote a very amateur poem called "Angels" before we did a poetry unit in 6th grade.

• Which hand do you use for drawing writing?
Right. (I had a short period where I was ambidextrous. I miss that.)
Most of my longe work is generally done on the computer, though.

• Which is easier to draw write - male or female?
Hmm. Strangely, most things I write are generally from a third-person male POV, but I think that's just the nature of what I've been writing. Any semi-serious attempts at novels are from multiple POVs, with a little omniscient thrown in.

• Which is easier to draw write - long hair or short hair?
My characters tend to have long-er hair. Not Rapunzel or anything, but enough through which to run your fingers.

• Is it easier to draw write the head facing towards the right or the left?

• Is it easier to draw write the side view of the face or the front view?
Side. I tend to let my characters descirbe each other and develop through their interactions with each other than just going omniscient.

• What do you have problems in drawing writing?
Length. Everything tends to be fairly short and to-the-point. I'm not much for fluff. I need to work on that.
I also have some weird thing in my brain that won't let me write prose poetry. It has to rhyme.

• What do you like to draw write?
Poetry. I really love poetry.
I also spend too much time in fanfiction--Good Omens, Alice in Wonderland, Doctor Who. I really want to try Hamlet. irisbleufic writes excellent Hamlet fiction.

• Are you a traditional artist or a digital artist?
Both. I tend to actually write out poetry. I also write some pieces that I really like--or at least think I do.
Everything else, I do on the computer. Especially anything in academia.

• From where do you start drawing writing?
Generally, I start from the beginning. Occasionally, I'll have a section that's really stuck in my head and I'll have to write it. Sometimes, I can develop aroud it, others not.
Right now, I'm actually working on a piece (fanfic, surprise) that begins with the end and then does flashbacks. I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to coninue straight through or start each chapter with another sction of the present and then flashback. (Did any of that make sense?)

• What is your drawing writing habit of which you are aware?
I don't know that I'm sure what this question is asking. I generally get an idea or section of something that just needs to be written.

• What do you keep in mind when you do lineart drafts?
I...don't generally write drafts. I'm not a planner. Sometimes I know where my story or whatever is going, but most of the time I just go with the flow.
I guess I don't really do drafts because I edit and review as I'm working on the computer.

• Any tips for coloring/shading?
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, people! You're supposed to know the entire backstory of your characters, even if you never have to use any of it.
I'm a sucker for writing exercises. Give yourself 10 or 15 minutes to get to know your characters. Try to think of everyhing you'd know if you'd known thia person forever. It works, I swear. If you do that and really know your characters, they'll stay unified throughout the piece and you won't have to second-guess anything they do.

• How long does it take to finish a piece of art?
It really depends on the work, what it is, and in what kind of mood I am. I've worked on a poem for days and completed fanic in less than hour--and vice versa. Sometimes I know where I'm going and sometimes I just don't.

(And I intentionally kept "art." There is no way you can convince me that writing is not art.)

• What music do you listen to while you draw write?
I try not to listen to music while I'm writing. Sure, I've been inspired by songs, but I don't do well focusing with music--I love it too much and tend to sing. To everything. (If it's on my iPod, I know it. My new dock doesn't exactly help matters.)

• How long does it take you to come up with an idea?
This also varies. I don' know that I've ever really sat down and had to come up with something. I kind of go from ideas that pop into my head--or songs or art. (i.e. My Alice in Wonderland fic.)

• Your favorite drawing writing utensils?
My computer, mainly. I have an addiction to school supplies and have all kinds of fun pens--and journals.
I've also recently discovered fountain pens, which is bad.

• Your favorite color/the color that you use often?
Blue. I've current;y got a lovely turquoise ink in my scroll-y fountain pen.

• Your favorite style(s)?
Poetry. I write a lot of poetry. Rhyming poetry.
I need to try a sonnet in iambic pentameter, but that would take too much brain power at the moment.

• Are you satisfied with your current art?
I don't think any artist is ever completely satisfied with their work. I have a few pieces that I really like, but I'll always admit everything needs work.
I just don't usually go back to them.

• What kind of artist are you aiming to become?
Being a serious, published author would be nice. I'm not entirely picky--I think I'd even like to live in the world of academia. (I've always enjoyed writing papers entirely more than I should.)
My absolute dream job, though? I'd like to be an editor. Of literature, preferably. Those newspaper people are not my kind of people.

randomness, meme, writing

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