Jan 17, 2005 12:16

I found this awesomely cool band! It is called Razorlight! They totally rock.
Anyways, I'm re-starting my button collection. They are all gonna go on my backpack. I've got about 7-10 right now. I think my favorite one has to be this one I have that says 'Kiss Me; I'm NOT Irish' around a 4-leaf clover that has one o' those circles with a line through it like the 'No Smoking' signs. It's my fav cause I'm really not Irish whatsoever, and it contradicts the one that says 'Kiss me; I'm Irish'.
I also hafta get my book started! I've only written about 3 pages :/ I really want it to turn out good.

Well, intensives are over! WHOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!111//?'"\shift//one111//!!! I'm glad cause there was this girl who was driving me nuts with her constent blather about fuckin' neopets. I'm sad because I won't be seeing Daniel as much...*sigh* He's a flirt anyways, so poo on him! XP I hafta go register tomorrow from 1-3pm, but I don't know how I'm gonna get there and back again....My dad would take me, but he's outta town, and my mom hasta work....Well, she doesn't really HAVE to, but she just doesn't want to take me. Grrrr... I REALLY don't wanna take the People Mover, cause I already hafta take it everyday after school, and I don't wanna take the chance of missing it if I don't get outta registration on time. I just don't understand why they can't make registration be at reasonable time, like 7:00pm/am. They just don't understand that not everybody's mom is a stay-at-home mom. Some of them hafta work to support their famalies....sometimes I just wanna blow up the school district building...

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