The Great Glass Endeavor

Mar 27, 2004 19:08

Well I finally got my butt in gear and decided to finally set up my Live Journal. AJ are you impressed-ed?! I'm still making up a fun icon or so for myself and figuring out all the fun little things on this server-y thing--since I've never had an LJ before. So forgive any obvious mistakes or foibles. I may pick your brain AJ for help *smirks* it's your fault I have this thing in the first place. But I like it already. ^-^

First off, you might be wondering, what's with the name: sheepygrapehair? Well all I can say is that it's a long story involving purple hair a bet and a sheep. In a later post here I'll give the full explanation but for now a word of wisdom: Purple hair doesn't taste like grape!

Ahem, yes... what else? Oh! I've almost positively got a job doing what I've been trained to do! I'm a make-up artist by trade and have been unemployed or working for Target at various points for the last year. So I'm very excited about this "test my out" period at a store I really enjoy going to--plus it's a pay raise, great hours, and in a few months... the bestest part Health benefits! Wee! So everyone keep me in good thoughts.

Hmm, that's about it for now I think. I've got to get my butt in gear and mail out all the stuff to people I've been piling up in the "I'm so gonna send it" box. Soon as I get some cash a-mailing I will go.
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