Jul 12, 2004 20:14
Well yes, I know I'm not the best person when it comes to updating my LJ or any kind of diary for that matter, but alas I plod along and do so occasionally. What's happened of interest since my last post?
Hmm... well I was denied my personalized license plate! Yes, aparently the DMV finds BLOOD FX offensive to some people and not something like BITCH or JESUS which is more offensive to me than BLOOD FX it's not as if I wanted KILL PPL or something like that. *Sigh* I suppose it was not meant to be. Evil creatures the government.
Vas else? Ah yes my hunt for airfare to Chicago is turning out to be a hellish experience. Prices are rediculous and trying to get a flight that has a time shedule that I want is even more horrific. Anyone wanna volunteer to pick me up from Midway as opposed to O'Hare? It's cheaper! *insert whimper whimper puppyface here*
Work's been work and now I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to have the fun of an HMO or a PPO heath insurance. I'm thinking the later since I have to visit the doctor more often than I'd like. I'm just happy to be getting group health insurance! Now if I can just remember to bring that bloody form home.
Speaking of work I've got my "Test" with the boss coming up. I have to bring someone "older" in and to a full beauty makeup on them then bump it up for evening wear thing. I'm trying to finagle it to where I can drag in Mom. She'll be in next week sometime so it SHOULD work out.
However Mom comes in about the time of SanDiego con--so probably not going again this year. There's always next year, unless Dave calls and drags me along. So we shall see...alas. But I am looking forward to my mini trip to Chi-town to see AJ among some of my other buddies. Whee! I miss them so much.
Oh and NO haven't gotten around to the tour at Universal yet AJ--though I SHALL yell my love for Captain Tight Pants YET!
That's about it for the life of me for this night's installment. Whatcha think of my new icon? Isn't she so spooky cute? Aww....
Ciao Mein.