Who/HP Xover birthday fic - Buttons of the Unexpected

Feb 01, 2008 21:35

Title: Buttons of the Unexpected
Pairing: Doctor/Severus Snape (Doctor/Master implied)
Summary: The Doctor has been pressing buttons, again…
Rating: They'd show it on Torchwood ;-)
Ellipsis disclaimer: Why yes, I am addicted to them…
Author's notes: Firstly, thanks to shocolate for giving this a read through for me and catching my rogue spaces *hugs you*
This was writen for abigail89's birthday, and included the prompts: promiscuous, labyrinth, giant squid and the phrase "I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue." There are also a couple of references to the Doctor Who Children in Need sketch, which can be found here if you haven't seen it already.

Fake cut to Buttons of the Unexpected
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