Full of Christmas Cheer is up at my
website Pairing: SB/RL
RatingL PG-13
Summary: Umbridge’s crusade has left Remus feeling tense and reactive, which isn’t the best of moods when he wants to discuss something that he’s managed to avoid for over twenty years.
Notes: Less of a fic, more of an insert to book five ;-)
Written for phase two of The Sirius/Remus Fuh-Q-Fest, challenge number 16:
“Sirius didn't get Remus's permission before putting both of their names on the Christmas gift they give Harry in OotP. Remus is not happy about this. (Kudos to
therearenonames for noticing that Remus and Sirius seem to be avoiding each other on Christmas Day in OotP, but I'd like to imagine that it's because of something recent rather than because of something years ago.)”
Thanks to Sue and Lee for the beta.