Tutorials #8 and #9

Oct 15, 2006 18:35

So I am in tutorial mood because I've done the stuff I had to do and even more...
I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing... ;D
But I have holdays so...




both made in PS CS2 but easily translatable :D

Michael Ballack Tutorial
this is so easy. totally beginner!

Okay. At first we need our base. In this case it's best if you take a b/w base because we add a quite colorful texture.
When we have our base we dublicate it twice.
First copy set to SOFT LIGHT
And second copy also set to SOFT LIGHT
(you can add more soft light copies or less :D)

And now we are almost done ;D
Now we only need to add a texture. I choose this lovely one by
77words. Set it between the base and the first soft light layer. Set to DARKEN

I don't like Micha being covered that much so I erase the parts I don't like.

And now I simply wrote "Michael Ballack". The font is called "jey" and one of my favoirtes.
size: 24px - color:#D8DFA4
Wasn't that easy? :D

the whole Icon-set can be found here 

Christina A. Tutorial
still quite simple but not so beginner

Again: At first we need our base. This time it doesn't matter if b/w or colored. As you can see I took a lovely picture from Christina Aguilera (found at hires_hotties).
Dublicate twice.
First copy set to: SCREEN
Second copy set to: SOFT LIGHT

Now I added a texture to lighten it up. I took it out of this texture by
colordrop and set it to SOFT LIGHT

Looks much better, right?
Now I added another Texture to set a highlight this time one by
77words (again - she has great stuff :D). As you can see I mirrored it and set it to MULTIPLY
Now I wrote "aguilera" in "Asenine Wide" (size: 12 px - color: #C48E90).
You can stop here but I wanted it to look a bit more... exciting.

So I dublicated the text.
angle: 90° and distance: 15px
and to make this stronger I dublicated the blurred text again.

(the whole set is here)

And that's it!
- Any questions? Feel free to ask. I'm german so if you find any typos feel free to tell me - please be nice :D.
- Comments are love, feel free to show me your results ^^ and feel free to add me.


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