While eating breakfast this morning, Josh and I experienced what felt like an earthquake-a low rumbling noise that shook all the walls and make the windows and glasses rattle. It lasted a couple seconds and was gone. Granted, it was hard to distinguish from the constant scraping and pounding noises from the workers on the side of the house (who start at 8am, every morning, including Saturday!), but we definitely felt something earthquakey. I get to work today and go online to check out where/how big the quake was and discover that it wasn't a quake. It was felt/heard all across the county, but no one knows for sure what it was. There's a Union Tribune article on it
here. The most supported suggestion put forth so far is that it was a weird atmospheric effect carrying sound from some mortar tests happening at Camp Pendleton. Strange stuff. I wonder if we'll ever know for sure.
It's just starting to hit me that we have to move out of the house in just over a month from now. We got some produce boxes from Henry's to start boxing stuff up this weekend, and I've started making lists about what's being sold/stored/taken with us/etc. The first step is to box up the stuff in the garage so that we have room to pack all the rest of the house in there. I hope to be able to do all this in a fairly organized way-labeling boxes clearly, stacking things in order of likelihood of future use, etc. I don't want to have to go digging through a dozen boxes if we suddenly realize that we desparately need something halfway through the summer.
I'm going to miss living in Hillcrest, I think. Josh and I were walking through the neighborhood to return some movies at Blockbuster last night, and as we went down the hill near our place we could smell the most wonderful flower scent drifting up out of the canyon and it was lovely. I wish we didn't have to go. I just have to keep reminding myself how nice it will be to have an extra $1650 a month when we're not paying rent, electricity, and internet charges for the summer. Now if we could just get out of paying for cell phones, car insurance and medical coverage, we'd really be rolling in it!