Sep 25, 2007 22:50
Grand Valley's marching band is doing an 80s show sometime soon. We just got the opener today - it's Michael Jackson songs. (!!!!) And one of our profs. told us that during the 19 measures of rest that just the brass and percussion are playing the woodwinds and going to be doing the thriller dance.
I hope that we're doing sometime around Halloween. Ashley and I thought it would be a sweet idea if we took off our right marching glove and had a white one underneath.
Also, we're having the football game this week at 5/3 ballpark (we're doing the Zorro show). So we're going to be marching on a baseball field and a good section of the field is going to be dirt. "and paint doesn't stick to dirt" Plus there's the pitchers mound. This should be interesting.
Other than that there's isn't too much I've got that's interesting. Well, my birthday's coming up, but I know you've all gotten me something already so I don't have to tell you. (jk - I'm not that self centered) But I am excited about fall. Just to throw that out there.