Apr 26, 2011 19:19
I'm really really sorry, but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to close up . It's been fun, making graphics and all. And I appreciate every single comment. But I guess I just don't have the same passion for icon-making as I used to. I might get back into it, someday. But it'll be in a different account. I'm keeping it open for those who still like my graphics and enjoy it. But I won't be making anything in this account anymore. I guess you could say LJ just doesn't do it for me anymore. Thank you for all your comments and support. Any further questions could be directed to my tumblr: sheeptree.tumblr.com. :) I will miss you, my friends and my members. :) Hopefully I'll get out of my rut and make graphics once again. Till then!
xoxo hannah :) ♥