More kink meme fills, yet again, bluh

Mar 27, 2012 16:15

Le sigh... I need to update more often before I start losing track of the URLs of my own fills. /fail

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: John, Mycroft Gen
Rating: FRM/R for murder, terrorism, and general villainy
Prompt: John is the real Moriarty and has been playing Sherlock for a chump
A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: minor character death

Very Sincerely

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: None
Rating: FRT/PG-13
Prompt: Someone kidnaps Sherlock and, after deciding he's too much of a threat, decide to make sure he's permanently out of the way. By giving him a lobotomy.
A/N: Crack. Shameless, irresponsible, juvenile crack.


WTF, John/Mycroft muse, pick up some slack around here, would you? Crack!Muse has been getting antsy.

fic, fic by me, fandom: sherlock, pairing: gen

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