Sherlock Kink Meme fills

May 28, 2011 16:35

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: John/Mycroft
Rating: FRT/PG-13
Prompt: Established Mycroft/John. Just sweet times, give me some love!
A/N: My first de-anon'd fill. Huzzah? Abuse of beard stubbles ahead!


Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: none
Rating: (I'm tempted to say FRM/R for the horror that is Giga-Pudding but I guess it's)FRC/G
Prompt: Little Sherlock loves his Giga-Pudding! (Sheep: Eurgh.)
A/N: While I have nothing against pudding itself, (in fact I find it quite delicious), this commercial is obviously a human rights violation, and I motion for it to be added onto the Geneva Conventions FORTHWITH!

Something Wiggly This Way Comes

fic, fic by me, pairing: john/mycroft, fandom: sherlock, pairing: gen, why do i do these things to myself?

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