Apr 19, 2011 20:15
Watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution seriously depresses me. I lucked out. I went to private school, it was all fresh and cooked and good for you as long as you didn't buy too much junk food as a dessert. The food they are serving in LA is disgusting. Even as a kid I would have been pissed off about it (though I was an admittedly weird kid who asked for more brocolli and though asparagus was the best thing ever).
There is nothing green in sight. It's all processed, filled to the rim with sugar and carbs with little to nothing else nutricious. The states is wondering why it has an obesity problem? Don't subsidize corn, subsidize other vegetables that can't be made into syrup, so that people can afford to buy the cucumbers and peppers.
Don't eat to much processed food. Your body doesn't actually know how to properly digest it.
Eating right may seem like it costs you more but it'll save you in the long run but being obese costs you an obscene amount more when you take into account health costs, insurance premiums, specialty clothes.
Those poor kids. Those school dinners would make them fat even if they ate proper food at home for dinner. If two/thirds of your diet is that crap they're feeding them you are screwed from the get-go.
The food industry has spent billions, probably trillions of dollars, obscuring facts from you in order to be profitable. There is so much shit they are pumping into your bodies and they are doing it legally because their lobbyists have spent years fucking you over. I'm not an activist but this shit is the only thing that has me angry enough to march and march and march on them until I die because they are killing you and the government's not lifting one goddamn finger to help you.