jon and miguel

Apr 22, 2004 21:48

okay yeah, so me and jon had a conversation... and he decided to remind me that no one cares what I think. But he DID ask for my opinion, so i told him. [i did warn him, but noooo.] And then miguel was in the other IM box... and he was being cool. But yeah. Miguel isn't the perfect boy - theres a lot of stuff he does i'd rather he didn't do. But he's my friend... Jon? Does a lot of shit too. Not as much as miguel, and he manages to be more of an asshole. Huh. I tried to help. But anti-drug commercials don't relaize that whatever your friends are doing "wrong" you can't just talk to them if they think it's okay.

"It wont matter how many times you tell the truth, or how many times you attempt to show them what the world is really like, or how loud you scream or how long you try to make them understand - if they are unwilling to listen, to feel, to be aware... they won't. And perhaps, they can't."

But yeah... well, here's the convo with jon:

AmongAnimatronix: hey...
Evil Pie Slasher: hi
AmongAnimatronix: why does it say [smoke] between words in your lj?
Evil Pie Slasher: lol
Evil Pie Slasher: don't ask
AmongAnimatronix: please tell me?
Evil Pie Slasher: its from a shpw
AmongAnimatronix: right then.
Evil Pie Slasher: lol
AmongAnimatronix: yahuh....
Evil Pie Slasher: hehe
AmongAnimatronix: you jacked an owl?
Evil Pie Slasher: maybe
Evil Pie Slasher: y do u ask
AmongAnimatronix: you jacked an owl. lol.
AmongAnimatronix: man....
Evil Pie Slasher: what?
AmongAnimatronix: i thought you were over that shit?
AmongAnimatronix: ah, well.
AmongAnimatronix: to each thier own.
Evil Pie Slasher: w/e mom
AmongAnimatronix: what?
AmongAnimatronix: why call em mom?
Evil Pie Slasher: lol nm
AmongAnimatronix: right...
Evil Pie Slasher: :p
AmongAnimatronix: well, i replied. heh
Evil Pie Slasher: what do u want to say?
Evil Pie Slasher: in my journal

okay, at this point, he was ASKING me what i wanted to say. so why, later on, does he tell me he coudl care less?

Evil Pie Slasher: ????????
Evil Pie Slasher: ?
Evil Pie Slasher: ????
Evil Pie Slasher: ?????????
Evil Pie Slasher: ????????/
AmongAnimatronix: hi
AmongAnimatronix: you know what i want to say
Evil Pie Slasher: yes
AmongAnimatronix: exactly
AmongAnimatronix: so i ddin't need to say anything
Evil Pie Slasher: wait....
AmongAnimatronix: i figured you could do without the actualy bitching, since you already know a few of the words.
Evil Pie Slasher: i want to know*

SEE?! SEE?! he WANTS to know!!!!

AmongAnimatronix: indeed.
AmongAnimatronix: you know my shpeel.
Evil Pie Slasher: ?????
AmongAnimatronix: well, if you really wanna hear it...
AmongAnimatronix: "How could you go back to that, man? I thought you were throguh. Thats what you todl me - but obviously that was a lie. Along with a few other things. Hey, you smoking again too? What the fuck is up with that, huh? Why you gotta steal? Are you broke and irresponsible. I can justfy stealing nessecities, but not luxuries. And what're you gonna do now, how can I trust you? I tried, man. I tried, and you show me you're distrustful. You wanna be a good friend? Can I..."
Evil Pie Slasher: why is that in " "?
AmongAnimatronix: "But i guess i can't, to you. We're just too different, huh? Do you hate me for being the 'good girl'? well, then hate shanna too. You're girlfriends into this stuff, and i wish ya'll could just let it be. but no. just.. no."
AmongAnimatronix: its in "" because it's supposed to be what i'm thinking.
AmongAnimatronix: don't dwell on it.
Evil Pie Slasher: ok
Evil Pie Slasher: and i don't hate shanna or u
AmongAnimatronix: thats beside the point.
AmongAnimatronix: it's not about us, it's about you.
Evil Pie Slasher: what about me
Evil Pie Slasher: and yes i do lie
Evil Pie Slasher: i lie alot
Evil Pie Slasher: and no i'm not done
Evil Pie Slasher: i'v been stealing stuff all year ^^
Evil Pie Slasher: i'm sry if i'm not all good and nice like robert is
AmongAnimatronix: ha!
AmongAnimatronix: god dammit.
AmongAnimatronix: i'm not comparing you to anyone but myself.
Evil Pie Slasher: ...
Evil Pie Slasher: why are u comparing me to u......
Evil Pie Slasher: thats like comparing a fish and a cow
AmongAnimatronix: because i'm like, your friggan opposites
AmongAnimatronix: oh, gee.
AmongAnimatronix: no shit, man.
AmongAnimatronix: but like i said, i can't tell you to be the good boy. It's not in your nature.
AmongAnimatronix: but you make me question...
Evil Pie Slasher: ??
AmongAnimatronix: your loyalty
Evil Pie Slasher: to?
Evil Pie Slasher: to who?
AmongAnimatronix: ... everyone./
AmongAnimatronix: your family, you're friends, your animals
Evil Pie Slasher: my animals..........
AmongAnimatronix: your animals
Evil Pie Slasher: i would never betray my friends
Evil Pie Slasher: and how would i betray my animals?
Evil Pie Slasher: they don't care if i steal
AmongAnimatronix: no, but stelaing leads to things.
AmongAnimatronix: just like drugs leads to domestic violence
Evil Pie Slasher: what does stealing lead to?
Evil Pie Slasher: and not all drugs lead to violence
AmongAnimatronix: not all drugs.
Evil Pie Slasher: drugs don't always lead to violence*
AmongAnimatronix: but it's been shwon that drug use or any kind leads to domestic violence... in most subjects.
AmongAnimatronix: but anyways...
AmongAnimatronix: i'm just worried again. *sigh*
Evil Pie Slasher: and stealing leads to??
Evil Pie Slasher: or r u still trying to fined out?
Evil Pie Slasher: hello?
AmongAnimatronix: hi.
AmongAnimatronix: i'd hate to see you turned into soemthinh horrid.
AmongAnimatronix: but, it's your choices.
Evil Pie Slasher: i'm not going to
AmongAnimatronix: i'm just attempting to be a good friend and look out for you.
Evil Pie Slasher: and my question?
Evil Pie Slasher: ..............................................................
Evil Pie Slasher: *slams head on moniter*
Evil Pie Slasher: wake up!
AmongAnimatronix: what question?
Evil Pie Slasher: ??????/
Evil Pie Slasher: ???????????/
Evil Pie Slasher: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
AmongAnimatronix: i don't know.
AmongAnimatronix: which is why i said i'd hate to see you be the subject of thattest.
Evil Pie Slasher: omg.......
Evil Pie Slasher: nice
AmongAnimatronix: but it's not legal, whcih leads to more illigal shit.
Evil Pie Slasher: no it doesn't
Evil Pie Slasher: your like a anti drug comercal
AmongAnimatronix: look, if you think i'm stupid or soemthing, or if i'm wrong, or i'm i'm retarded and you don't want to listen to me, just fucking say so!!!!
Evil Pie Slasher: not everything leads to more shit
AmongAnimatronix: i'm tired of getting yelled at for fucking trying to help!
AmongAnimatronix: JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!1
Evil Pie Slasher: then maybe u should stup
AmongAnimatronix: you asked, fucker.
Evil Pie Slasher: stop* trying to help
AmongAnimatronix: omg....
AmongAnimatronix: i'm calling my friends names...
Evil Pie Slasher: only cause u keep bringing shit up
AmongAnimatronix: maybe i should just step back.
AmongAnimatronix: hey, you said you wanted to here what i had to say.
AmongAnimatronix: i wasn't going to, but you asked.
AmongAnimatronix: i'm sorry.
Evil Pie Slasher: meh w/e
AmongAnimatronix: exactly

dumbass.... or maybe it's me? I'm a litte confused here. Input?
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