Title: One Even Bigger Happy Family
Pairing: KyuMi, and minor Hanchul
Genre: Fluff, Family, some crack.
Rating: G
Summary: It’s Ryewook’s birthday and the young family prepares for a party like none other. Companion to
One Big Happy Family. Warning: Feelings of Warmth and Fluff may occur after reading this fic. Also it’s epicly long again.
A/N Again Co written with my Buin. We didn’t think it would get so long because we weren’t sure of the plot. But it did. We actually reached the limit for a LJ post heehee. So this is part 1 (which is actually in two parts! aish) and the next part will be the actual party. Comments are love!
“Oh Kyuhyun isn’t he the most precious thing you’ve ever seen?” cooed Zhoumi, cuddling his newborn son to his chest.
Kyuhyun felt like the luckiest man on earth. His new baby son was not only adorable, but the birth went by without any problems. Although, he couldn’t remember very much about what went on during the birth because he seemed to have blacked out half way through.
“You’re coming in the delivery room this time right? You promised me that this time you would!” pouted Zhoumi.
The last two times he had given birth Kyuhyun had refused to go in the delivery room. When he was younger, (before he had met Zhoumi) he had been in a car accident and has since hated doctors.
Kyuhyun fiddled with his thumbs nervously, it had been many years since the accident, and he wasn’t feeling particularly vengeful. “Yeah… I’m sure I can handle it this time.”
He wasn’t really sure per say, but he couldn’t let his wife down a third time. Kyuhyun needed to man up and just do it. He had two kids already for heavens sake. He’s seen his share of disturbing images. After all the times he had seen Donghae and Ryewook throw up, Kyuhyun thought he should be practically immune by now.
“Great!” grinned Zhoumi as they started to wheel him away. Following cautiously, Kyuhyun feared he was walking to his doom.
Shaking his head to clear the memories, Kyuhyun focused on Zhoumi again as he babbled cute nonsense about Henry.
“Kyu he has your nose!” Zhoumi said proudly.
Kyuhyun wondered how he could tell when his face was all smushed. Looks more like an angry gnome to me.
Zhoumi looked up at Kyuhyun and gave him a big smile, “I’m so happy! I can’t wait until Eeteuk and Kangin bring Donghae and Ryewook over later. They are going to be so excited!”
After the stressful birth and recovery, Zhoumi wanted to see his kids. It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if Kyuhyun hadn’t chickened out on him in the middle of the birth.
The doctors were all in place, Zhoumi was drugged, and Kyuhyun was looking sick in the corner. At the start of the procedure Kyuhyun was feeling relatively calm, but then it all started to get wacky.
They do what with that thing? Did they just? Oh they did… That does not look natural. Are they reaching inside that thing? Holy gods in heaven that does not look like baby. Then everything started to go fuzzy.
He slumped over to the floor in a dead faint. The nurse positioned him so the blood would get back to his head.
“It appears your husband just fainted. This isn’t your first kid right?” called out one of the doctor’s.
Zhoumi furrowed his eyebrows angrily in his induced state; “I’m going to kill him when this is over!!”
As calm as Zhoumi looked, a fiery demon was smoldering on the inside, “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about your little scene.”
Laughing nervously, Kyuhyun backed away a bit from the hospital bed. He had hoped that Zhoumi had forgotten about that. It didn’t help show his masculinity at all.
“Hahaha. I’ll just go call Eeteuk appa.” Sliding out of the room quickly away from the danger that loomed within.
About a year later
-beep beep beep beep-
Groaning, Kyuhyun reached his hand over to slam the alarm clock. He snuggled against Zhoumi, pulling him into his arms to steal more of his warmth. Zhoumi turned around in his grasp and sleepily said, “You should get up.”
“Mmm, just a few more minutes,” he nuzzled Zhoumi’s neck, “Let’s stay here today.”
Zhoumi giggled and pushed Kyuhyun away, “Not unless you want Donghae to miss school.”
“What does he need school for anyway?”
Zhoumi sat up and pushed Kyuhyun half off the bed. “So I don’t go crazy and blow up the house!”
“I’d be more worried about Donghae blowing up the house.” Kyuhyun said stumbling out of bed.
Zhoumi nodded sagely. “That too. Safer that he blow up the school.”
“How is that safer?” Kyuhyun wondered. Sometimes Zhoumi didn’t make any sense at all.
“Well. Safer for me at least.” Zhoumi replied. Not for all the other kids at Donghae’s school. Thought Kyuhyun. It was a miracle the other parents hadn’t taken their kids out of school due to Donghae’s shenanigans.
Kyuhyun still remembered the very first time Donghae had gone off to school.
It was a clear September day and the entire family, Ryewook included, had piled into the car to see Donghae off to school.
Zhoumi kept glancing to the back seat nervously, as if he expected Donghae to be missing every time he turned around. But Donghae just smiled back at his umma.
It was his first day of school and he was very excited! He swung his legs happily, humming tunelessly to himself.
Kyuhyun stole a sideways glance at his wife. Zhoumi looked nervous. He was probably going to take the separation harder than Donghae. Kyuhyun himself was a bit anxious. He was full of the first day of school nerves that every parent had: Would Donghae make friends? Would he be bullied? What if Donghae couldn’t keep up with the other kids in class? But Kyuhyun consoled himself that he was taking this better than Zhoumi, who had burst into tears when Donghae arrived at the breakfast table new back pack in tow.
He pulled into a vacant parking space outside of the School building. Other parents were dropping off their kids, wishing them good day, driving off. The parents of the other kindergartners were easy to pick out. They stood in a group nervously shifting from foot to foot waiting for the bell and their pale children looked up at them for reassurance.
Kyuhyun felt a sense of pride, Donghae wasn’t nervous at all about school! He shut the engine off and turned to Zhoumi who was looking teary eyed again.
“Mimi. Why don’t you stay in the car with Ryewook? It might be easier for you?” Kyuhyun asked.
Zhoumi merely nodded in response, scared to speak for fear of crying again.
Donghae bounced in his seat excitedly. He unfastened his seatbelt and barely waited for Kyuhyun to open the door before he shot out of the car.
“Donghae! Come back! Don’t you want to say goodbye to your Umma and Ryewook?” Kyuhyun called. Donghae, who was halfway across the playground stopped, turned and ran back.
“Oh yeah!” He said. He crawled back into the car to pat Ryewook on the head. “Bye Bye Ryeo!” Ryewook giggled. “Bye hae hae!” He waved.
Donghae then crawled up the front seat to give his umma a big hug. “Bye bye Umma! I’ll see you after school!”
“Goodbye my sweet boy!” Zhoumi murmured into Donghae’s hair. He held his son tightly not wanting to let go.
“Ahem?” Kyuhyun coughed. “I think the bell just rang. We should get going.”
“Oh right right!” Zhoumi said quickly releasing Donghae. “Have a good day! Make lots of friends!” He called as Donghae took Kyuhyun’s hand and headed for the school door.
“Wait! I forgot!” Donghae said after they had taken a few steps. He raced back to the car and embraced Zhoumi again. Bending down he rubbed Zhoumi’s stomach. The baby bump was just starting to show. “Bye Bye little fishie! I’ll tell you all about school later!”
He grinned up at Zhoumi and ran back to a waiting Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun smiled to himself as he remembered that day. Once inside the building Donghae hadn’t wanted to let go of his hand. But he had finally been persuaded to sit on the carpet with the other children by a friendly little boy named Hyukjae, who was now Donghae’s best friend.
As the first one to get up, Kyuhyun called bathroom rights. Slipping into the shower, he was so tired he started to wash his hair with face wash. Not very long into his shower, someone opened the door and threw back the shower curtain.
“ARH!” shrieked Kyuhyun surprised, and the loofah in his hand went flying half way across the room.
Zhoumi smirked; it was a rather unbecoming look on him. But it reminded Kyuhyun of Zhoumi’s umma.
“Kyunnie~ You forgot something!”
“What, forgot that you would come scare the living daylights out of me?”
“No. Yesterday I bought you some new shampoo because you ran out, and here it is,” Zhoumi handed over the new bottle, “Hmm…while I’m here…”
Kyuhyun looked at the shampoo bottle in shock, “If this is my shampoo, then what did I put in my hair?” He grabbed the bottle he had used on his hair.
Meanwhile, Zhoumi had undressed and decided to join him. He looked at the two bottles in Kyuhyun’s hands and laughed. “That’s my face wash.”
“I just washed my hair with that!” Kyuhyun set the bottle back in its cubby in disgust. “Stop laughing at me!” He grabbed a hold of Zhoumi’s waist and started to tickle him.
Of course that only made Zhoumi’s laughter get louder, which was an utter failure on Kyuhyun’s part.
“Oh you just shut up and rewash my hair.” Kyuhyun said sullenly, squished against the shower wall.
Still laughing Zhoumi grabbed the bottle and started to scrub his husband’s scalp. Kyuhyun felt very calm, but he knew what direction showers with Zhoumi usually ended up going. It’s a good thing that they both had mutually decided that three was enough kids.
Smiling as he rested his hand on the back of Zhoumi’s head perhaps groping him with his other, he thought that this was a good way to start out his day. Yes he thought, holding Zhoumi close to him it certainly had been awhile. Darn kids took away his and Zhoumi’s happy time.
“Oh Kyuhyun! That’s really too much!” giggled Zhoumi, trying to slap Kyuhyun’s hands away.
No, Kyuhyun thought, it really isn’t enough. It never really was.
After Zhoumi and Kyuhyun’s shower fun time, there was still about an hour before the kids had to be woken up. Then it was breakfast and time for work, for Kyuhyun, and school for Donghae.
The two settled down in the kitchen to discuss the plans for the next day. It was Ryewook’s fourth birthday and the apartment was going to be packed with unwanted relatives. Zhoumi was practically bouncing around the kitchen as they were talking about what was to happen.
Zhoumi grabbed the pancake mix out of the cupboard for later, “So I was thinking we would have a nice lunch and then we could all go in the living room and open presents!”
Kyuhyun groaned and hit his head against the table. “The last time we had a birthday party for Ryewook that kid Yesung gave him a live grasshopper.”
Zhoumi frowned as he was cleaning off the kitchen table. “We never knew where that thing went.”
“I think Henry found his dead body lying behind the couch. He was trying to eat it-“ Kyuhyun threw his hands up into the air, “Don’t worry I didn’t let him eat it!”
“Well I hope so. Who knows how long that thing was lying under there? I don’t think we’ve moved the couch for two years.” That reminded Zhoumi that he had a lot of cleaning to get down before the next day.
Kyuhyun got up and poured himself a cup of coffee. “Hmm. Yes. Well, don’t hold me accountable for the messed up gifts Siwon and his son come up with.”
Sighing Zhoumi stared at the clock; he didn’t have much time before the party to get everything done.
Kyuhyun was on his second cup of coffee when Zhoumi had started to make the pancakes. They smelled really nice, and his appetite was ravenous.
Zhoumi fiddled with flipping over the first batch. “Will you go wake up Donghae and wash his face for me?” He wiped his hands on a towel. “I’m almost done with breakfast.”
“Yeah no problem.” Except that he was going to have to drag Donghae out of bed and into the bathroom.
Quietly he opened the door to Donghae and Ryewook’s room. He didn’t want to disturb Ryewook while he got Donghae up a few minutes earlier.
He walked over to Donghae’s bed and gently shook him awake.
Donghae opened one eye, saw it was his Appa, and rolled over. “Appa one more minute please!”
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, he’d been through this torture before. “Umma’s making pancakes, so let’s go get ready so we can eat them.”
Donghae turned over and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Pancakes?!? Yay! Umma’s the best!”
He allowed Kyuhyun to hoist him out of his bed and carry him into the bathroom. Kyuhyun made sure Donghae had washed his face and his hands before he went to wake up Ryewook. Waking up Ryewook was easier because all he had to do was pick him up and go. With Donghae holding on to his hand and Ryewook attached to his other arm they went to go eat.
Zhoumi was just putting out the rest of the pancakes and syrup on the table as they got in. “Aigoo Ryewook! You are so sleepy!” He grabbed Ryewook from Kyuhyun’s arms and set him in a chair.
“I want three pancakes today Umma!” cheered Donghae.
“Three pancakes? You’re really hungry!” Zhoumi didn’t think he could eat three pancakes.
But he underestimated the power of a growing boy’s stomach as Donghae polished off three pancakes in record time.
Zhoumi really loved doing the whole “Big breakfast” thing every day. It reminded him of his own parents back in China. They had always eaten a full breakfast every day. Of course the only downside to pancakes was the syrup.
Ryewook usually managed to get it all over his face and Henry usually ended up with some in his hair. Speaking of Henry wasn’t it about time the boy woke up.
Right on cue the baby of the family started to yell. “BIRDIE! BIRDIE BIRDIE!” from down the hall. Which Zhoumi had come to know meant, “I’m up now! Let me out of my crib!”
‘Birdie’ was Henry’s favorite word. Zhoumi remembered how thrilled he had been when Henry had first uttered the word a few weeks before.
Zhoumi had been so proud of Henry for learning to speak earlier than either of his brothers. However his joy was short lived as it turned out that ‘Birdie’ was the only word Henry would say, along with the baby babble and what occasionally sounded like the word ‘song’.
No one could really understand Henry except Ryewook. The two would often have long conversations together, which consisted of non-words and giggles.
“Henry’s favorite color is orange.” Ryewook told his parents one night at dinner when they were discussing what color to paint the new baby’s room.
Zhoumi had turned to his son and asked “How do you know?”
Ryewook shrugged and answered. “Because he told me so.”
Henry had only been 3 weeks old at the time. Kyuhyun firmly suspected that Ryewook had made the whole thing up, but they painted the tiny room orange none the less. At least it had made Ryewook happy and Henry had giggled (his first real giggle) after it was done.
“I’ll get him.” Kyhyun told his wife who was busy trying to wipe syrup from Ryewook’s face.
He left the kitchen to go let Henry out of his crib. Henry’s room had once been a walk in closet which Kyuhyun had converted to a nursery shortly after Henry was born. They couldn’t really afford a larger apartment and Donghae and Ryewook already shared the second bedroom.
The situation worked fine for now, but Kyuhyun wondered what would happen when Henry got older.
He entered the tiny room and was greeted with the sight of Henry standing up and rattling the bars of his crib smiling happily.
“Good morning Henry!” Kyuhyun said brightly and picked his youngest son up. “Did you sleep well?”
Kyuhyun didn’t really expect an answer, but Zhoumi was adamant that they try to speak to Henry as much as possible to get him to develop a normal vocabulary.
He swung Henry around which caused the boy to giggle happily and clap his chubby little hands together.
“Let’s go get breakfast!”
Kyuhyun re-entered and set Henry down in his highchair. Zhoumi waltzed over with a plate of bit sized pancakes already cut and syruped.
“Good morning Henry!” He greeted.
“Birdie!” Henry said bouncing in his seat.
“No these are pancakes!” Zhoumi said brightly holding out the plate.
“Birdie!” Henry agreed.
“No Henry. P-a-n-c-a-k-e-s” Zhoumi said very slowly, sitting down so he could feed his son. Henry looked puzzled.
“Birdie?” he asked quirking his head to the side.
“No not Birdie. Pancakes!” Zhoumi was beginning to get frustrated so he just fed some pancakes to Henry, who smiled his adorable smile as he chewed, syrup dribbling down his chin.
“Do those taste good?” Zhoumi asked. Henry who was still chewing around a mouthful of pancakes nodded enthusiastically.
Kyuhyun laughed at his hapless spouse. He figured Henry would talk when he was good and ready to, but Zhoumi still insisted on trying.
Donghae had finished his fourth pancake. “Appa I’m sticky!” He cried clapping his hands together and pulling them apart so Kyuhyun could see how they stuck together.
“That’s because you got syrup all over!” Kyuhyun replied. “C’mere we’ll get you straightened out.” He motioned for his son to come over by the sink.
“Appa Appa Appa Me too!” Cried Ryewook who climbed out of his booster seat all by himself and ran over to his father.
“Are you sticky too?” Kyuhyun asked, even though he could see perfectly well that the better half of Ryewook’s face was one sticky mess.
“Yes Sticky!” Ryewook replied screwing up his face. Kyuhyun laughed and wetted a rag with warm water. He wiped off Donghae’s hands and face and did the same for Ryewook.
He then went to help Donghae gather his school things, with Ryewook trailing behind like a lost puppy.
“Appa I want to go to school too!” Ryewook cried. “Why does Donghae get to go and not me?” He stuck his bottom lip out.
“Because I’m older than you!” Donghae replied, sticking out his tongue. “It’s not fair!” Ryewook pouted as Kyuhyun helped Donghae into his coat and shoes.
“Ryewook you’ll get to go to school soon enough, don’t worry. Besides I know a very special boy who has a birthday tomorrow!” Kyuhyun said patting his middle child on the head.
“We’re going!” Kyuhyun called to Zhoumi as he and Donghae filed out the door on their way to school/work.
“Bye! Have a good day!” Zhoumi called out poking his head around the corner from the kitchen.
Ryewook waved at them as Donghae shut the door.
“Umma? What are we going to do today?” said Ryewook.
Zhoumi juggled cleaning up Henry’s mess and clearing the table. “We’re going to clean up everything nice for your party tomorrow! It’ll be fun!”
Ryewook didn’t look very enthused, “You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Pinky swear?”
“Yes I pinky swear.” Or whatever that meant, probably something he learned from Donghae again.
As he finished clearing the table Ryewook went into the living room to work on his puzzle. Zhoumi was left to finish cleaning up and watch Henry.
“Umma!” Henry tried to reach for the end of the table, “Sungbaadog e wayoblek!”
Used to Henry’s strangle babbing and the strange babbling of children Zhoumi played along, “Yes Henry we’re done with breakfast.”
He took his hands out of the soapy dishwater and dried them off. Then, he went and released Henry from his high chair. “You’re all sticky baby. Let’s go get clean and find Ryewook.”
It didn’t take very long for Zhoumi to clean off Henry’s face and his sticky fingers. He loved Henry’s little cheeks; they were so soft and puffy. All the women at the grocery store always fall in love with his son. Well they weren’t going to get him.
Holding Henry with one arm, Zhoumi exited the kitchen to go find his cleaning supplies. It was going to be a long day.
“Okay we’re here Donghae! Have a good day at school. Try not to get into too much trouble today, it’s Ryewook’s birthday tomorrow.”
“Sure Appa! See you later!” Donghae just smiled widely and left his father alone at the gate. Kyuhyun wasn’t sure if he had even listened to him at all.
He stuck around long enough to watch Donghae join up with his friends outside before he got back into his car and went to work.
His job was an interesting one. Everyday he went into work. Lounged around on his computer, waited for one of the software programmers to email him. Sometimes he would go and test the games. Usually he wrote game reviews. All in all, he didn’t know how he managed to not do much work at all and still get paid a good salary.
This particular late morning he was doing the usual, sitting at his desk, looking at pictures of new movies coming out. Nothing much. Kyuhyun was thinking about getting up and making a cup of tea.
He started to get out of his chair when a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders.
“Kyuhyun! How’s it going on this fine morning?”
There was only one person in his workplace that was overly friendly, and that person was his boss. It was good thing they were good friends.
“Siwon! Yes um, yes it’s been a great morning. I’ve got, a lot of work, and yes I’m working very hard.”
Siwon clapped his hand on Kyuhyun’s right shoulder. “Great! Ryewook’s birthday is tomorrow! He’s really growing up. Soon he and will be going to school like Yesung.”
Kyuhyun had almost forgot that Siwon was coming to the party tomorrow, and that there was the probability Ryewook might be receiving another equally strange gift as the year before.
“You do realize my crazy relatives are going to be there right? You could just drop off Yesung and come back later.” Reasoned Kyuhyun.
Siwon clasped his hands together, “But I just adore your family Kyuhyun!”
Kyuhyun shook his head; Siwon was so out of this world. No wonder his Umma always took advantage of him. Not in that way mind you. Eeteuk just likes having another strong man around to look after.
“So-” Siwon slid around him suspiciously “Who is going to be at your apartment anyway?”
“Oh you know, just Zhoumi and my parents, Shindong and his offspring, you, and my brother-“
Siwon got extremely excited at the mention of Kyuhyun’s brother. He clapped his hands excitedly and chuckled to himself. Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow, “Why are you being all creepy like?”
Siwon hid his smile behind his hand, “I’m not being a creeper! I’m just experiencing a sugar rush! Yes! A sugar rush! Hehe!” He quickly pulled out a half drank bottle of Cola from his man purse.
“See?” He pointed to the Cola bottle “Look at the wonders of this magical elixir!”
“Magical elixir?” Kyuhyun asked. Siwon smiled encouragingly. “Yes. Elixir! The perfect blend of sugary goodness, caffeine and carbonation!” Siwon stroked the half empty bottle lovingly. Muttering to himself. Kyuhyun could just barely make out “Yes. Shhhhh my love it’s alright….”
“Ookay. Someone needs to go visit therapy.” That or be hit upside the head.
Siwon was sidestepping away into his office, “I’ll just be here, in my office. Let’s get lunch later.” And then he slammed the door shut.
Kyuhyun stared at the spot on the ground where the strange actions had taken place. Damn it all he just never had a peaceful day at work. He looked at his computer. It was flashing a new email. Great, now he actually had to do work.