(no subject)

Nov 24, 2004 04:39

Right. I've totally messed up my inner clock, by not going to sleep until at 5 am the last few days, and sleeping until noon (Me, skipping lectures? Nooooo never!). Hell - last week, I didn't go to one single lecture! And I have lectures every day. I did go to labs though, which is all that matters. Blah.

So the last few days have consisted of tossing and turning in bed for hours, sleeping late, riding busses around town to go to meetings and interviews, and hanging out with my boys (we made pizza and played cops and robbers and did shrinky-dink stuff!). And now it's almost 5 am (AGAIN!) and I have a LAB FINAL TO GO TO TOMORROW! I haven't studied. At all. Oh crap.

That's a lie, though. I've studied, but only since midnight. And I haven't even really studied - I was watching TV with one eye. I've four hours until I need to leave for class, and I have every intention on going. So I have two lectures, a lunch break, and then my final. Gaaah. Actually, in just eight hours I'll be going to the test, and I should be finished in ten and a half. So. I plan on not sleeping at all, and then coming home to sleep afterwards.

Think I can learn all about plants in four hours?

school, sleep

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