I got Sims 3 last fall. I didn't think my computer could run it - but guess what? It runs it just fine, probably better than it did Sims 2 with all the expansion packs and downloads. So, I am trying to not download anything for this game (except for awesomemod, which is needed to make it work the way I need it to work!), and I won't buy the expansions unless I really, really want whatever it is.
Well, soon after I bought it my computer started acting crazy for other reasons. So I didn't really play much. But now it's all fixed, so I've been playing around at making a prosperity hood (prosperity-style playing is my favorite!). Because Sims 3 works so completely differently from the previous game, it's going to be different... but so far it's turning out to be interesting. I'm playing with three families currently. I play each one for two sim days, then switch to the next one. I have story progression on, which means that the sims will age and do things even when I'm not playing them - for example, I had one of my families (The Nilssons) move houses while I was playing another one! It's pretty entertaining, and I can't wait for unplanned romances, and coming back to a household with unexpected children!
Just in case anyone wants a quick look at my virtual friends
Peter and Erika Nilsson were the first people to move into the completely empty neighbourhood. They are siblings - Peter is a teenager and Erika is a young adult. I guess they like green?? Their parents aren't around anymore, so Erika has been raising Peter for the last few years.
Erika's dream is to become a famous author, so she spends much of her time in the (completely empty) library, where there is a computer she can practise her writing skills - and of course, lots of books to read!!
Meanwhile, Peter stays home and does his homework - he has the funniest random combination of traits ever - Ambitious, Genious, Artistic, Snob!
Soon the Lin family moves in next door. Siblings Jia and Mei-Xing, their mother Ya, and Mei-Xing's daughter Bao. Jia is money-obsessed, and his mother is a stupid guitar-playing sim.
Mei-Xing has some serious commitment issues, but also has a lifetime goal of raising at least five children. She's got a good start with Bao, but has ditched the father a long time ago...
Last, but not least, here's Ben Williams and his son Antoine. Ben is inappropriate and charismatic... a combination that's proven to be pretty entertaining so far!
Here's a thing I love about Sims 3 - they can carry their children while doing other things! Yayay, realism! Ben carries Antoine everywhere - he even carries him around when hitting on their neighbour Erika Nilsson...
But he is smart enough to put the toddler to bed before this happens...