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Jan 28, 2008 01:15

In a "ohmygoshashwednesdayisNEXTweekohdearohdear" panic, I spent the entire evening trying to figure out what to wear. Normally, I would go for something weird and/or obscure as a costume, but seeing as the only reason I dress up is for WORK, my costume needs to meet the following criteria:

a) Must be work-appropriate
b) Must be kid friendly (read: must be able to play soccer, do jumping jacks, run marathon wearing the costume)
c) Children must be able to grasp concept of costume (penguin, cowboy, pippi longstocking = good. tacky tourist, baby spice, tampon = bad)
d) Must be as inexpensive as possible
e) Must not LOOK inexpensive/cheap
f) Must not look absolutely ridiculous wearing costume (under coat) on public transportation at 7:00 am

With a ridiculous blouse that goes with one of our dirndls as inspiration (we own three - this one is known as "the ugly one" here at home), I settled on a pirate costume. The blouse is puffy and pirate-y, but here's the thing - it's a dirndl blouse, so only just covers my breasts and going to work with my midriff showing might not really be appropriate. So, instead of doing something that actually needed to be done (laundry, schoolwork, cleaning) I spent the evening turning an old skirt into a vest. It's pretty fabulous. Now all I need is a fake weapon of some sort... and pants. I'm told wearing pants is good. I could, of course, wear any old pair of pants, but I want my whole costume to be as fabulous as the vest. Because I'm NOT repeating last year, when I spent hours putting together my doctor's costume (that one was inspired by the white coat I once used in labs - both during chemistry experiments and while dissecting a fox, which, by the way, I don't recommend), only to be outdone by a coworker who had also decided to come as a doctor, only he borrowed his boyfriend's REAL scrubs and stethoscope, so I looked ridiculous next to him. Someone told us "you look like the nice GP and Virgile looks like a surgeon!" Yes, thank you, nice family doctor wasn't what I was going for.

In other news, I went to little Krulla's christening today (although it seems like it was weeks ago!) and she has a real name now - Eyrún Lára. On the way there, some idiot nearly caused a four-car pile-up, but luckily Ásta's breaking skills are extraordinary. GL, who was driving the car behind us, wasn't as lucky and crashed right into us - the guy who was driving the car in front of us looked more than a little surprised when six people piled out of the two cars, made sure everyone was alright and then burst into laughter and hugs in the middle of the road. Ásta's car was just a little scratched, but GL's was a bit crumpled. So we switched cars and made our way to lunch. A little late, and very hungry, and lunch turned out to be fantastic smelling soup with big chunks of what I assume was lamb. So I ate bread and butter and sugary cakes and held babies and talked about inappropriate things and was generally very happy.

So it's been a good day. A good weekend, actually. Yesterday, I walked around the flea market with my sisters and smelled old books, used clothes and candy. My shoes going squish-squish-squish the entire time because I insist on wearing an old pair of converse with a hole on the bottom, but it's wonderful wintertime in my city and ice and snow and slush and water everywhere.

babies, life is good, my weekend, costumes, sisters

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