(no subject)

Jan 11, 2008 15:24

• Are you available?: Depends on for what.
• What is your age?: 24
• What annoys you?: Incorrect grammar

• Do you know anyone named Billy?: No
• When is your birthday?: June 11th
• Who is your best friend?: I have a handful of very close friends, but no "best" friend I spend my entire time with, like when I was younger.

• What's your favorite candy?: I can't choose! I just like sugar...
• Crush?: I don't think I have one right now
• When was the last time you cried?: I rarely go more than three days without crying. But I can't remember what I cried over last...

• Do you daydream?: Oh, yes
• What's your favorite kind of dog?: Anything bigger than a cat
• What day of the week is it?: Friday, hooray!!

• How do you like your eggs?: Either boiled, or in a soufflé
• Have you ever been in the emergency room?: A few times
• Ever pet an elephant?: No, but I'd like to!

• Do you use fly swatters?: No
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: No
• Is there a fan in your room?: No, when would I ever need one??

• Do you chew gum?: Yes. I used to hate gum but now I chew it all the time even though I think it's disgusting!
• Do you like gummy candies?: YES
• Do you like gory movies?: Not really

• How are you?: I'm feeling sick and yucky
• What's your height?: 171 cm. 5'7'' in the US ;)
• What color is your hair?: I have no idea. Some sort of a dull blond-reddish colour

• What's your favorite ice cream?: One scoop orange, one scoop kiwi at Perlan!
• Have you ever ice skated?: Yes. I love it!
• Ever been in an igloo?: No, but that would be fun!

• What's your favorite Jelly Bean?: I rarely eat Jelly Beans
• Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Of course - I make them all the time ;)
• Do you wear jewelry?: Usually not. I wear earrings occasionally. I'd probably wear more jewelry if I owned any, but I can't say for sure

• Who do you want to kill?: No one
• Have you ever flown a kite?: Yep
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: They're okay. Not the cutest animal ever, and I don't think they look very cuddly, though

• Are you laid back?: Oh yes
• Lions or Tigers?: Tigers
• Do you like black licorice?: YES!
• Favorite movie as a kid?: I didn't watch enough movies to have a favorite
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: No
• Favorite store at the mall?: Recently, I've like TopShop for clothes.
• Do you have a nickname?: I have a camp name
• What's your favorite number?: I like odd numbers
• Do you prefer night or day?: I like both. I tend to stay up late and sleep through much of the day, but I wish I didn't.

• What's your one wish?: I'd just like life to be good. For me and other people.
• Are you an only child?: No, I have two sisters
• Do you like the color orange?: Sure

• What are you most paranoid about?: That I'll fail. Anything.
• Piercings?: Only my ears
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: No...

• Are you quick to judge people?: Usually not
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: I'll eat them
• Know anyone that makes quilts?: Yes, but not very well

• Do you think you're always right?: I usually am! Hah.
• Do you watch reality TV?: I watch Top Model, but that's it.
• Reason to cry?: Sad movies, people who make me angry, the messes I get myself into, unhappy endings, twisted ankles...

• Do you prefer sun or rain?: A little bit of both
• Do you like snow?: Yes, but not too much of it!
• What's your favourite season?: Fall

• What time is it?: 3:45 pm
• What time did you wake up?: Noon? Something like that

• Can you ride a unicycle?: No, but that would be cool!
• Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: I'm sure I do but I can't think of anyone
• How many uncles do you have?: Actual uncles? 4. Through marriage? 2. Extended family uncles? A LOT.

• What’s the worst vegetable?: I HATE artichokes.
• Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: No, but I read the books!
• Ever considered being vegan?: I've thought about being vegan in general, and I don't think it's healthier for you at all, so I don't think I'd want to be one.
• What's your worst habit?: Over-analyzing everything
• Do you like water rides?: YES!!
• Ever been inside a windmill?: Yes

• Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes
• Ever used a Xerox machine?: Yes

• Do you like the color yellow?: It's my least favorite, probably
• What year were you born in?: 1983
• Do you yell when you're angry?: No, I usually cry. I have yelled, but not often
• Do you believe in the zodiac?: Not really
• What's your zodiac sign?: Gemini
• When was the last time you went to the zoo?: Hmm. Winter 2004 I went to the Copenhagen Zoo. But I go to the farm animal zoo here in Iceland a few times a year with the kiddos from work!


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