more eurovision. whee!

May 09, 2007 22:42

With the semi-final of Eurovision tomorrow, I'm running awfully late...

My opinion on the songs in the semi-final

15. Serbia: Marija Šerifovic - Molitva
I actually quite like this song. Maybe because there are so few good traditional ballad-type songs this year. Also, they get extra points for not singing in English (!!), not having a traditionally "pretty girl" sing the song, and for the entertaining dance in the background. It's not the best song I've ever heard, but it's decent, and that's something!

16. Czech Republic: Kabát - Mála Dáma
So the song starts off with a nice beat, but then the singer walks on stage and starts "singing" - I'm not quite sure if it's considered singing, since all he seems to be doing is forcing air out of his lungs and making grunting noises...

17. Portugal: Sabrina - Dança Comigo (Vem Ser Feliz)
If you've ever been stuck at a hotel in Southern-Europe - and especially if it was a tourist-trap town - you've probably heard this song about 427 times before. Not bad, not good, not anything at all, really.

18. FYR Macedonia: Karolina - Mojot Svet
First of all, in her photo on the ESC website, Karolina looks a lot like Marina from The L Word. I never liked Marina. And I can't say I like this song. The verses are boring, and the chorus is a Ruslana rip-off.

19. Norway: Guri Schanke - Ven A Bailar Conmigo
I don't know. It feels kinda tacky. And not the good kind of tacky. Not that the song is all that horrible, maybe it's just the thought of Norwegians trying to be Latin. Doesn't work for me.

20. Malta: Olivia Lewis - Vertigo
Vertigo is one of my favorite words. But it's seriously overused in this song. Plus, what's the deal with making these incredibly expensive-looking videos for mediocre songs? It's not like people are voting for the video... at least I don't think they are. Hmmm.

21. Andorra: Anonymous - Salvem El Món
Andorra's own Blink 182! Ridiculously stupid-looking boys that are pretty much guaranteed to mess up on stage. Also, the singer needs to learn better pronunciation... there's no way of knowing when he switches from Catalan to English (and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing).

22. Hungary: Magdi Rúzsa - Unsubstantial Blues
Yay! This is one of my two favorites! This is actually music I'd listen to on a regular Thursday night. A nice little blues song - not the best one ever, but so much better than most of the other songs in the semi-final. I just really hope that the girl can actually sing live.

23. Estonia: Gerli Padar - Partners In Crime
Gerli Padar thinks it's 1997! She wears a ridiculous suit in the video, and sports a very 90's hairdo. BUT some of her dancers wear suspenders. So that makes it all good. Suspenders are awesome.

24. Belgium: The KMG's - LovePower
I know I've heard this song before. Actually, it's like a mix of three songs I've heard before. And it's boring. My mom likes it, though - she tends to like weird music.

25. Slovenia: Alenka Gotar - Cvet Z Juga
Oh my. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. So I'll settle for both. And I think that tomorrow, while this song is on, I'll use the opportunity to get some more beer, go to the bathroom, and check my email.

26. Turkey: Kenan Dogulu - Shake It Up Shekerim
Okay, so I'm SORRY but I kinda like this song. It's pure bad dance-pop (think Justin Timberlake on a bad day) and I know I shouldn't like it but I do. So there.

27. Austria: Eric Papilaya - Get A Life - Get Alive
So I have an obligation to both make fun of Austria and root for them, no matter what. But it's kinda hard to make fun of this song. I actually can't remember a decent song from Austria before. But I will say this - I don't think ESC is the right place to raise HIV/AIDS awareness. Does that make me a bad person? I especially dislike the HUGE red ribbon he has behind him in the video - it's just tacky. I think subtle would've been the way to go here.

28. Latvia: Bonaparti.LV - Questa Notte
Aagh. Silly, but not silly enough to be funny. A group of guys who can't sing dressed up in jackets and hats? Stupid. Stupidstupid.


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