(no subject)

Nov 12, 2006 15:45

I had a fucked-up dream last night.

Basically, it was christmas. For some reason, Vesturhlíð - that's where I work - was my house. So my whole family was there. But this girl I really like and her whole family were also there (I have never met her family, by the way). And we're having burritos for christmas dinner. The burritos were served in the living room area, and then people spread out all over the house to eat. I was really hungry, and the girl's aunt was constantly making me burritos - I just stood by the burrito-making table and ate them. Occasionally, the girl would wander by and make herself another burrito, we'd exchange awkward glances or smiles, and then she'd walk away. So I was on my fourth burrito when this other girl I used to like, and who's a very good friend, arrived. We did the hugging/screaming/laughing thing people do when they haven't met in a while, and then walked into one of the other rooms to be alone for a bit, to just catch up and stuff. So we're sitting shoulder to shoulder on the floor, backs against the wall, in complete silence. You know, the perfect "I've missed you and I'm so glad you're here now" sort of moment. In walks the girl I currently like, obviously wanting to say something, but when she sees us she stops, says a few words with no meaning at all, rolls her eyes and runs out. I get up, thinking "fuuuuuuck!!", excuse myself and run after her. I grab her arm and drag her to one of the few rooms with a lock in the house, panicking and very close to crying. After I lock the door behind us, I look at her and say "Go on - yell at me. Be mad at me. Show me you care!". Well, she starts crying, and saying things that don't make sense, so I start crying as well, and try to explain that the other girl is just a very close friend I've missed a lot, but I only want to be with her. The conversation was a lot more complicated than that, and very long, but that was basically what happened. And then I woke up crying.

I've been in a weird mood all day because of this dream.

PS - does dreaming about burritos or mexican food in general mean anything? Because those burritos seemed to be pretty important, in my dream...

dreams, crush, does this mean i'm crazy?

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