music post!

Sep 13, 2006 00:03

Sort of like the soundtrack to my summer. The small version, because for some reason I've attached memories to a LOT of songs this summer.

01. Josh Turner - Would You Go With Me
would you hold on to me tighter as the summer sun got higher?
Rachel and me were driving through a desert somewhere in Oregon (!!?), country radio turned up way high. Rachel was singing at the top of her voice, as usual. I never knew any of the words, so I pulled out my air-guitar. I guess Rachel didn't really like my playing, cause she stopped singing and gave me a weird look...

02. Regina Spektor - Hotel Song
come into my world I've got to show, show, show you
Hanging out in parks is usually lots of fun. Hanging out in a park in San Fransisco is even more fun, especially if you have some good music, a new book, and something yummy for lunch!

03. The Wreckers - Leave the Pieces
and it's alright, yeah I'll be fine, don't worry 'bout this heart of mine
Auður: Hey, that song sounds familiar...
Rachel: It's on your CD!

(10 minutes later)
Auður: Hey, that song sounds familiar...
Rachel: It's on your CD!

(10 minutes later...)

04. Dixie Chicks - I Hope
it's okay for us to disgree, we can work it out lovingly
This was my walk-around-camp song...

05. Indigo Girls - Leaving
a cup of coffee and my bags are packed
This was my walk-around-camp-sad song.

06. Trisha Yearwood - She's In Love With The Boy
her daddy says, "he ain't worh a lick, when it comes to brains he got the short end of the stick"
Rachel (for the 104193 time that day): Do you mind the music? Do you mind my singing?

07. Indigo Girls - Get Out The Map
get out the map, get out the map and lay your finger anywhere down
At the Indigo Girls concert, I'd told Rachel "this is my FAVORITE song!" quite a few times... and then when they finally played this one, she wouldn't believe me... but it really IS my favorite!

08. Nellie McKay - Ding Dong
my cat died and I quickly poured myself some gin
Okay, so I don't know why, but I attach this song to singing/dancing at some random street corner while waiting for someone to be ready... I honestly have no idea where or when that was, but I KNOW it was this summer.

09. Fiona Apple - Get Gone
I've done what I could for you, and I do know what's good for me
I went to a Fiona Apple concert this summer. It was amazing. It would've been amazing no matter what, but what made it even better was the good company, and the fact that it was held at a vineyard! Best place to have a concert EVER.

10. Patty Griffin - Rowing Song
the further I go more letters from home never arrive
This was my other song to listen to when I was feeling sad/confused and randomly walking around camp (I did a lot of that... I don't like to share my sadness with other people, sorry). But it also functions as a pick-me-up because some of my favorite memories from this summer have something to do with rowing :)

11. Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now
and then you put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground
Best. Song. Ever! So I spent quite a bit of time in a car with Potato, Toto and Hallam one weekend... and towards the end of our little trip we listened to 80's music, and when this song came on Potato did the best dance I have seen in my life. And so we'd randomly sing the song and do the dance for the rest of the summer... it was pretty much amazing.

12. James Blunt - You're Beautiful
we shared a moment that will last 'till the end
Okay so I used to HATE this song. And hate isn't too strong of a word, not at all. But Rachel made me listen to his CD on repeat one day. And I still hated it. But then I spent 10 days with her. And she has it as her ringtone. And her cell rings a lot... so it kind of grew on me. Who would've thought! It's kinda like when you get to know someone you start thinking they're pretty if you like them? That's my theory.

music post

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