(no subject)

Feb 21, 2005 05:35


It's 5:30 in the morning and I haven't slept at ALL. This is crap. I need to be up in a little over an hour so sleeping now is just silly. And tomorrow is a LONG day at school, damnit. Lectures from 8-11, then long lunch break and after that lab until freaking 5. Hate long days HATE long days especially when I have not slept. Going to wait for about half an hour before I take a shower (don't wanna wake up the family too early) and I am even thinking tomorrow will be a coffee day. Yup, that's right I do want coffee and not only because it smells nice. I drink coffee like twice a year and I'm pretty sure tomorrow (today?) is a good day to do just that.

And I am so incredibly hungry. Have been since about midnight and that might be partly why I could not sleep. I keep forgetting to eat lately and when I remember I just eat something stupid like crackers or dry toast.

school, sleep

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