(no subject)

Feb 10, 2005 20:57

Ow, period pains.

Of course my period could not wait 2 days to arrive. Boo. Instead, I woke up crying this morning, decided to skip school, took lots of painkillers and then sat through a pretty entertaining first aid and CPR class in the afternoon. It was for work, and the woman who taught it was cool, so all was good even though she was pretty much repeating stuff I've learned a bunch of times before, the last time being this past summer. Still, I was squirming in my seat and was so happy to get back home and take a short nap.

But since I've pretty bad cramps now, they'll definitely not be gone tomorrow, and I have SO much to do tonight/tomorrow.

Tonight I have to finish up my part of the presentation we have on Monday, as we're meeting up tomorrow morning to put it all together. I also need to work a little bit on the physiology report, as it's a group one, and there's 6 of us in total, and it's VERY hard for 6 people to figure out a time to get together, especially when they all have different classes and some have children, and the only time everyone could make it was tomorrow afternoon... that is, everyone except me, because I work Friday afternoons. So I want to do something so I can feel like I've at least contributed something to it, if they do end up almost finishing it tomorrow afternoon (we have a discussion group next Wednesday with our teacher, so we need to finish it up sometime next week). And tomorrow I have class from 8:15-12:15 (during breaks I'm meeting the kids in my presentation group), and I need to be at work at 1. We have some sort of a class from 1-3, and at 3 we're leaving town on a bus for a couple of hours, to go crawl around in caves, funfun. Then we're going back to where I work for dinner and a party... but I need to leave the party "early" (when I leave will depend entirely on how much fun the party is) because I'm going to a tequila night/movie night/sleepover at a friends house. So yes. Don't know how I'll survive tomorrow, but we'll just have to see. Gah. I feel like crap and I think I'll take a bath before I try to tackle this presentation thing. Stupid banana flies.

icky, work, school

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