In this entry, I talk about things that aren't really important at all, or at least, shouldn't be.

Jan 27, 2005 00:16

Okay, so about a month ago I had my hair cut short, right? It looked kinda crappy and weird, but then it looked alright... for about a week. Now it's too long again. And I could go have it cut again, but I really wanna grow it out now. See, I can never decide if I want short hair or long hair. My hair grows crazyfast though, so I guess that's a good thing, since I can't decide. Thing is, I don't wear make-up, ever, and I don't do anything to look girly, and so having short hair kinda makes me look like a boy, sometimes. Er, a boy who wears skirts a lot, but still... And I don't wanna look like a boy. But I don't wanna wear make-up either (It's really this battle thing between me and my mom - she wants me to wear make-up and colour my hair and stuff like that, and because she wants to, I won't. Plus, I feel stupid when I wear make-up.) Anyway. I've no idea where I was going. Just rambling about short vs. long hair, I guess. Short hair is EASY, see... I don't need to do anything, just wash, dry, out the door, and it's the kind of haircut that looks alright when it's messy. And since I know me, I know that when I have long hair, I can't be bothered with anything more than that. Wash, dry, out the door. And we're not talking blow-dry either, I just dry it with a towel. So it looks like crap when it's long, anyway. Meeh. However, since I'm sort-of okay with what my hair looks like now, I have a picture:

So yes, there's me, weird haircut and all. A month ago, it was veryveryshort.

No more hair talk, though. I noticed this weird thing the other day... my eyes keep changing colour now, for some reason. It's odd, and kinda uncomfortable. They're usually some (pretty dark) shade of greenish-brown. A few days ago, though, they were almost black for a while. So that freaked me out. And this morning, they were a watery-green colour - no brown! They got darker later in the day though, but they're not back to their normal brown colour. This is so weird, and I don't like it, cause I love the colour of my eyes. I want them to stay the way they're supposed to be! The majority of Icelanders have some sort of blue-gray/gray-blue eyes, and I've always liked having darker eyes than most other people. Also, it allows me to say "this is what I got from my Austrian grandmother!" and if they turn light on me, I can't say that anymore. Sure, I can say it about my stupid big lower jaw instead, but that really isn't as much fun, especially since I don't like my lower jaw at all.

Also, if my eyes change a lot, I sure hope nothing bad happens to my ears. Those are the only two physical things about me that I am 100% happy with all of the time, and when I'm having an ugly day it really helps to be able to think "well, at least my ears are still cute".

Oh OH! And I totally forgot. I had this really weird and sort of disturbing dream last night. It involved a whole lot of sex and a threesome between me and two people I know pretty well, and OMG it's going to be so weird to talk to them. Ick. Notsuchagooddream.

And darnit, it's one in the morning and I still have to take my antibiotics. Boo. If I keep forgetting about them, I will for sure get sick again and I just don't have the time for that.

Andonelastthing - it's almost February and while that seems strange to me (I did NOTHING in January) it means I get PAID and MONEY is GOOD especially since I haven't had any since camp! Whoo! I am going to go buy something very silly and useless on Tuesday, just because I can. Or, maybe on Wednesday, as I have class from 8-8 on Tuesdays. But money. YAY!

dreams, hair, photos

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