May 31, 2005 15:43
this is for oxford and brandon
(o)-oxford (b)-brandon
Class Snoozer: me lol
Drama King And Queen: heather carpenter (o) and nick pollard(b)
Most Supermodle Potential: holly skidmore(b)
Most Likely To Be Skipping Class: me lol and if i was at brandon im sure i would get angeline into skippingwith me lol
Most Likely To Be Heard Down The Hall: sam and laura(b) james mclean(o)
Bested Dress: lisa lampinen( o) nick foren(b)
Biggest Flirts: shippy (o) jill( ( o)
Biggest Rebles: zack and hilary(b)
Most Likely To Be Late To Thier Own Wedding: hahaha jordan cause something always goes worng
Cutest Couple: me and dan lol o but lisa and mark are pretty cute too
Biggest Gossips: everyone
Best Dancers: idk
Most Likely To Make An Accident Waiting To Happen: ashly kuzma and mark(b)
Most Gullible: sarah paszko and blake(o)
Best Friends Forever: me and angeline
Most Changed: hmm emily murphy and bill evans ( b)
Least Changed: hmm i dont know
Next American Idols: idk
Future Presidents: john shwartz and jamie hendershott ( b)