FIC - Find Your Faith Again (BSG, Caprica/Sharon/D'Anna/Gaius)

Jan 21, 2007 20:51

I actually managed to finish editing this before the new episode came out, go me! Although, really, it's the 6/8 fic that's the most in danger of getting Jossed into oblivion tonight.

Title: Find Your Faith Again
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Characters: Caprica/Sharon/D'Anna/Gaius (but not all at once)
Rating: R
Word Count: 750
Spoilers: spoilers up to 3x10.
A/N: This is an amazingly late holiday fic for pirateygoodness, who is awesome and deserving of much love!

The humans have their ritual prayers, written with flowing words and artful syntax. Some of them are written in a language close to forgotten, and children spend hours memorizing them in their religious classes.

In Caprica's religion there is only I love you.


Sharon doesn't understand what Caprica sees in Gaius, and after a month trying to convince her Caprica accepts that she never will. He stands between them like a wall, and she can feel the relationship start to disintegrate as they drift apart.

And it wouldn't hurt so badly if she had Gaius to help her, but he's drifting away too. New Caprica is killing the good in everyone, slowly but surely.

More than anything, she is terrified of being left alone.


Eventually the matter of Gaius Baltar comes to a vote, because the cylons like to keep up with the trappings of democracy as much as they can. There are two votes to throw him out the airlock already, and now it's Sharon's turn.

She hesitates, and Caprica can feel her heart tighten from the suspense.

"We think he might be useful," she says, her eyes cast downward to avoid eye contact.

It's a lie for Caprica's benefit, because Sharon wants to see him gone more than anything and Caprica knows it. She lets out the breath she'd been holding, and finds herself relieved despite the fact that she hasn't even made her own decision yet.

Later, when they are alone in the hallway and Caprica has thanked her, she leans in and kisses Caprica on the cheek.

"I think I understand," says Sharon. There is a pause for a moment, filled with the things they don't actually want to say out loud, and then she says, "I think I've left Hera too long with the others."

Sharon spends too much time holed up in her room with the child, just like she spent too much time alone with herself in her apartment on Caprica, but it's not something that Caprica can fix. So she just smiles and waves as Sharon departs, and then heads for the room where they hold Gaius.

She still has her own choice left to make.


To Caprica's surprise, D'Anna is the one who manages to fix whatever was wrong on the planet. She and Baltar were too unstable, too emotional, and they needed the balance that Three brings.

D'Anna is to her left, deft fingers playing with her clit as Gaius leans in from the other side and runs his tongue over her chest. He's different now - the sex has turned from something painfully mechanical into what it should be, an expression of their love for each other.

She's the center of the world now - sometimes it's Gaius, and sometimes it's D'Anna, but right now she's the one being given up to the power and the glory of love.


But not all good things last forever.

"You could have told me," she says, her voice echoing in the empty room where they once slept together. Even if they do manage to find their way back from the planet, it won't change the fact that everything they had is over.

She sits quietly and waits for the anger to subside. It has to subside, because they loved her, didn't they? And she should pray for them.

But the anger is too fresh for her prayers to be honest.


"She's sick, and I don't know what to do," says Sharon, her voice tired and drawn and full of awful resignation. Being alone is painful, but dealing with Sharon's grief is almost as bad.

"They'll kill her," she says, close to tears, and Caprica puts a hand on her shoulder. It's a possibility, but the child won't survive among the cylons either.

"No, they won't. They may have stolen her, but they did take care of her. They'll know what to do," says Caprica.

"I don't want to give her up," says Sharon, and she's holding Hera to her chest too tightly. And it doesn't matter, because no matter how much they love Hera, they aren't her parents.

"It's okay," says Caprica, her voice soothing. "We love her, and God will keep her safe for us. And I'll go with you when you give her up."

Sharon nods but continues to look miserable. Caprica looks down at Hera and wonders how many losses her heart can take.


Even if she's alone, she will always have God.

caprica/sharon, caprica/gaius/d'anna, fanfic, bsg

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